Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Dan's Beautiful Flat Map! (Creative + Survival)

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Level 57 : Grandmaster Taco
Hey, have you ever wanted a flat map that wasn't boring, wasn't super low, wasn't populated with slimes? A flat map that had some character? Well read on!

Dan's Beautiful Flat-Map
Throughout my search for a flat map that wasn't just a boring straight plain of a single material, I found nothing. So I decided to load up mcEdit and make my own, and after a lot of success, I am here to share it with you!

This map may will contain:- Trees (Occasionally)- Sand (In small pools)- Water (... In small pools)- Sugarcane (Around the water)- Tall Grass (All over in patches)- Flowers (In patches)- And more (if I forgot anything)


The ground level in this map is at 64 height; right in the middle, giving you 64 down and 64 up to build. You spawn in the very middle of a 128x128 chunk square map. Each chunk being 16x16, and there being 128x128 of them... you do the math!
There are NO slimes that spawn at the ground level, unlike the vanilla super-flat option!
The ground level is consistent throughout the map, meaning that most of the map is at 64 height, although sometimes dipping for a small pool of water or whatever.
You could survive in this map, with there being trees (rarely), water, sand, etc. If someone wishes to make a YouTube series doing this I would gladly showcase it here on this thread.

The download contains 1 .zip file, with 2 folders, "Dan's Beautiful Flat Map Creative" and "Dan's Beautiful Flat Map Survival" you can use whichever you wish.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by mrhow2minecraft 10/04/2012 5:16:50 amOct 4th, 2012

Changed the download to include the newer version. Almost the same, but it doesn't include the glitches where there's just holes in the bedrock.

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09/03/2012 4:44 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Artist
08/12/2012 9:36 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
virus -_-
08/12/2012 10:48 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Taco
Haha no? Maybe you were warned because it's a .zip file, which viruses can be hid in. I can assure you, all that's in the .zip is 2 folders, which are both only minecraft worlds.
08/13/2012 6:43 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
sorry thought it was one of those scams u look legit XD..just every time i open world it freezes my minecraft on the "converting world" screen :o never happend to me b4 and my whole computer freezed so i thought it was a virus and i restarted my computer and tried it again so it might just be my computer >.>
08/09/2012 9:24 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Taco
I just looked for almost an hour for a map like this. I'm fucking retarded (This is my map).
10/08/2012 6:00 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
08/05/2012 11:56 am
Level 20 : Expert Dolphin
diamond =D
07/26/2012 3:06 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Umm does it have Ores underground? because i have not yet found any
07/22/2012 3:22 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
This map is truly righteous and i have been searching for hours trying to find a flat world that was not 4 blocks in altitude thank you Dan thank you :D now i can make my Minecolony city without having those pesky mountains bother me :D
07/02/2012 11:53 am
Level 1 : New Miner
