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Sammuel Coulson's Avatar Sammuel Coulson
Level 39 : Artisan Architect


Presidental republic. Presidents are members of S.H.I.E.L.D. leadership.


After the Great war and stabilizing situation in eastern colony, the Star City Empire was disintegrated into two superpowers.
  • The Denebol - western Great power and The Kingdom of Arnor - eastern Great power.

Denebol is still ruled by SHIELD government, but also the civilian parts of the government was created. Militia in Denebol is leaded by Ministry of Defense, but officially is divided into three sections.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. and Denebolian Air & Space Forces (DASF)
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Units
  • Denebolian Navy

Denebol is now targetting to international trade, civil rights and world peace and prosperity. Due to civilian parts of the government, International oversight advisory (IOA) was founded for monitoring and sponsoring military actions of Denebolian SHIELD.

Denebol is currently most advanced nation at the planet Denebol 4. Denebol has established facilities at three more planets Denebol 1 (nether) and Denebol 7 (end) in the same solar system. Third planet is Pattera, location classified.

On the planet Denebol 1 was builded the international SHIELD prison - FRIDGE. On the planet Denebol 7 is currently in the construction new SHIELD rehabilitation center.

Current president: Director Sam Coulson.

Tech lvl: 85/100%

Diplomatic relations:
  • Arnor - Friendly attitude, Denebolian Accord.
  • Meereen - Friendly attitude, Denebolian Accord.
  • Hydra State - Threatened attitude, border checkzones.
More informations here.
Progress90% complete

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01/19/2021 7:23 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
Krystof01's Avatar
Nemam šajna o co jde, ale vypadá to úžasně. To je nějakej stargate roleplay MC server?
Sammuel Coulson
01/19/2021 4:20 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Sammuel Coulson's Avatar
Ahoj, děkujeme a původně to tak začínalo. Ale rozrostlo se nám to do mnohem více filmových a seriálových univerz. Jsou tu zastoupené prvky ze Stargate, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, a možná ještě nějaké. Vlastně jde o to, že v každém z našich tří států jsou jiné kultury, které jsou právě založené na různých univerzech. Ale globálně na mezinárodní (serverové) úrovni jedeme podle příběhu Stargate a MCU.
10/03/2019 2:00 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
Lord_Wernon's Avatar
Pěkný :)
Sammuel Coulson
10/03/2019 3:32 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Sammuel Coulson's Avatar
Dekujeme :)
