This Map is an entry in the completed Minecraft Survival Games : Arena Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Destiny's Shiver- 3rd Place in Survival Games Contest

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Level 58 : Grandmaster Dragon
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-Destiny's shiver-

Here we stand again, brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. Gathered here today as we did last year and the years before that.To watch the biggest event of the year.

When two tributes from each district of Panem are sent in to the capital to fight for honor! And glory! To remember that only can be a victor and for that the rest will suffer.

The only difference this time is that the tributes wono t go to the capitol. Why? Because the arena is far away, In the lands we long thought was gone. In Asia in the middle kingdom. China.

We have for this yearo s game rebuilt a town from its ashes. In its own beautiful and unique style that you have only witnessed in your old grandpas grandpas grandpas books.

However remember that as the outside is no familiar, so is the inside. Animals and other life forms will at any cost try to kill you. So please. Try and be careful.

But time has now come. The moment that I myself find most interesting. The tributes are slowly arriving to the arena, taking their first look around. The terrifying silence around them. All eyes are on them.

And now ladies and gentlemen

Let the hunger games begin and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Well that intro turned out quite well if I could say so myself.

This arena was first started by AngryLPer, Elodai, Loridus and"Ivanthegreatist" but after about a week joined by myself, Agentpeter. And later Infernaljason help a bit. I have no idea why I was put on the pressure of doing the description text but Io m sure it will be okay, if not dono t hate on us.

and thank you hyperbeem for making the video

~The Map~

Why we chose oriental? We searched some hours for a theme thato s not usual like medieval and after a while we choose oriental.

We built it in default texturepack because we figured that most people playing would be using that.

There are many interesting hidden redstone traps,custom trees,terraforming,caves and

I believe that there are 295 chests in the map, or 296 I have no idea and AngryLPer, Elodai and Loridus are the only ones that knows how to check and as Io m writing this both of them are offline. Properly sitting somewhere having a good time but I dono t really care, they deserved it. I really haveno t done more than like 15% of the map so im gonna leave the most credit to AngryLPer, Elodai and Loridus. All of them are great guys to you should sub them.

Why did we call it Destiny's Shiver? Well that was actually the one and only super nice server mod Thegreatergod that came up with. Oh right I didno t tell you. This was all built on the Mithrintia server and if you would like to check out the map without playing it just go on and Io m sure that one of us will be on since we got no lives. So yeah great thanks to Irapp for hosting the server for us, we couldno t have done it without you <3



Video from Agentpeter

Lead Architect: AngryLPer

Builder: Elodai,Loridus,Agentpeter,Infernaljason,"Ivanthegreatist"

You should sub to ALL of them!

And most importantly if you read all that text I guess that you found it worthy so give us a diamond and a comment and if you REALLY liked it you should favorite and if you think this is unimaginary unbelievable super cool then you should send us money, but we dont expect you to do that...


Diamond & Subscribe

Have a nice day from







Additional Notes

Drazla, thank you for making a nice render for us
Hyperbeem, for making the front video
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by AngyLPer 06/22/2013 4:31:25 amJun 22nd, 2013

and correct the textform

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04/21/2017 10:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Can i use this on my server. All credit will be given to you.
05/14/2017 11:11 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dragon
Yes sure, go for it^^
08/05/2016 2:57 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pokémon
It's very pretty, but as for the backstory...

If you followed the lore of the Hunger Games, you'd know that Asia doesn't exist anymore.
08/18/2016 12:58 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dragon
hey :) yea now as you say that i remember it :`D. We totaly forgot about this fact^^ thanks for the comment :)
02/18/2016 9:30 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
awesome workk! One of the best Hunger games arenas I have sawn so far. With ur permission, I will put this map on my server. (of course I'll give all builders the credits)
09/04/2015 7:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
08/28/2014 6:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
06/28/2014 9:55 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
My new desktop background.
07/01/2014 2:42 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Dragon
XD cool, very nice idea :) glad you like it
04/26/2014 7:00 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
I would love to use this for my Hunger Games RP Server. I will give credit to everyone who built this amazing build. We are currently building the districts. We are going to have survival games every once in a while and we are going to update the map every month I would love this one to be put into the server. All credit will be given of course.
