Minecraft Maps / Minecart

Disney's EPCOT Center

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Bedrock Edition
mickeynerd17's Avatar mickeynerd17
Level 23 : Expert Architect
This Project is No Longer Updated. Please visit the new EPCOT Project here!

Welcome to EPCOT Center, a semi-realistic recreation of the Walt Disney World theme park from the 1980's, presenting a Minecraft twist to the iconic Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow.

Explore the wonders of the future as envisioned in the 1980's Disney style in this permanent world's fair. The park is divided into two sections, Future World and World Showcase, with the former being about future technologies and the latter about the unique and diverse cultures of our planet. Step into one of eight pavilions in Future World where you'll learn about what the future holds in different themes, ranging from communications to transportation, under the sea to outer space, and into the farthest reaches of imagination. The possibilities are endless! Come and explore today!

This map has been my personal endeavor for over 3 years. Ever since I discovered the past version of the theme park I love most, Epcot, as it looked in 1989 with all the original pavilions, I have always wanted to build my own version to enjoy and modify. Since starting this project in January 2018, I have slowly shaped a flat Minecraft world into the masterpiece you see today. Each pavilion was handcrafted with precision and care over the course of months to reflect their real-life counterparts while displaying a Minecraft flair that lives up to a quality experience any guest would expect. Now, I want to share my hard work with the world, so everyone can experience the EPCOT Center of the past, and enjoy the promise of a bright future!

Thanks for checking out my map, and welcome to the 21st century!


Follow my social media pages for updates on the next version!

Instagram: Mickeynerd17_Productions

YouTube: Mickeynerd17_Productions
Progress95% complete

1 Update Logs

Version 13 : by mickeynerd17 09/24/2021 3:34:33 pmSep 24th, 2021

Rebuilt Spaceship Earth from the ground up. This significantly updated the ride to have a more realistic layout and show scenes, improved placement in the park, and match with the year the map is set in. This also included a refreshed Earth Station with a more realistic layout than its predecessor.

Rebuilt Fountain of Nations and surrounding Communicore courtyard to finally match its 1989 look now that Spaceship Earth doesn't take half of the area.

Brand-new park entrance (to make room for Spaceship Earth) with new gardens, fountain, ticket booths, and a temporary monorail station (to be replaced in a future update). Parking lot tram loop was also modified.

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09/25/2021 5:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KMDBoss's Avatar
09/15/2021 9:58 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KMDBoss's Avatar
Can you make one for Java? This looks real nice. It is very hard to find downloadable theme parks with this quality. Sucks that most major theme park recreations on Minecraft are not downloadable/\. :(
09/16/2021 1:39 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
mickeynerd17's Avatar
Hello! Thanks for your comment!

This map will eventually be converted to Java Edition once World Showcase is finished. Until then, it will stay in Bedrock Edition. There are currently 7 pavilions left to finish until World Showcase is done.
