Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Do Not Laugh Mini Game Official Map

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Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Do Not Laugh Mini Game Official Map

Insperation from SkyDoesMinecraft

How To Play/ Rule/ What The Game Is

Summary: Try and make your friends laugh. Use props to help make jokes

There is two ways to get points and the first person to 3 points wins! One person is in the middle (middle is the Spone Block). To get points either survive the onslaught of people trying to make u laugh (persone in middle) if you manage to get throgh each person with out laughing you will get a point. Or if you make the person in the middle laugh then you can get a poin that way and you also get props. Use the props to help you make the person in the middle laugh. The number of props you get per turn is 2. If you make the person in the middle laugh then you get to into the middle. Take turns trying to make the person laugh and take turns in the middle if the previews person did not laugh. Try not to break the floor and no tnt beacause of the redstone. Jokes not included. Have Fun. And if your going to record can u give me a shout out to my YT channle Hit Slime

Comment Down Below If I Need To Fix Somthing or update something
Progress100% complete

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11/09/2014 11:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Eh, Mine's better
07/13/2014 7:52 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
The Apples
07/13/2014 6:52 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Crafter
Nice game!
Vinicius Makes
07/13/2014 6:35 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Archer
Sorry to break the news but it isn't funny.
