Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Dungeons and Ender Dragons Adventure Map (1.4.2) Beta

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TomBull's Avatar TomBull
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Well, this is a little Adventure map that I've attempted at making, loosely based around Dungeons and Dragons/Legends of Grimrock, meaning it is at it's best when played by 4 players. This is currently only the first level, if it turns out to be rather popular, I will make more, and I can guarantee that it will get more complex. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it, and any feedback will be appreciated.

If you don't spawn in the correct place, the co-ordinates are x=1442, y=254 and z=437
Progress100% complete

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04/25/2014 8:40 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
joc95's Avatar
the layout of the map is very nice and Dungeon-y. however i think the redstone and all the dispensers could have been improved by being abit more hidden. the map is short, but it's a nice taste. and remember, "/gamerule doMobSpawning false" will prevent unwanted monsters from spawning (creepers)
and "/gamerule mobGriefing false" will stop mobs from destorying the map.
i cant wait for more levels good work!! (ps. im going to shamless ask if you could play my D&D story based map)
07/10/2013 8:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Archidamis's Avatar
i have something to say. when i got the map i fell off the place for fun and for some reason i found a lot of droped items on the ground.
06/11/2013 9:46 am
Level 23 : Expert Pirate
innactive's Avatar
why you no make more
01/29/2013 1:55 am
Level 23 : Expert Pirate
innactive's Avatar
10/28/2012 7:53 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
DooBing's Avatar
This map looking good
