Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Elsa's Ice Palace!!!

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mailminer12345's Avatar mailminer12345
Level 15 : Journeyman Miner
This is a build of the Ice Palace that Elsa made in the popular disney song Let it Go, in the even more popular film Frozen! The entire palace was built without worldedit on a server, and it took around two weeks for me to fully finish it, with all the details.

It has two main rooms, and also a hidden room, which can be found. I don't have a full schematic yet, but I may upload it soon. However, I may not, as it will most likely be used on my Frozen server (arendelle-craft.enjin.com), which you can join :D

The palace is made from ice, compact ice, snow, light blue stained glass and diamond, and I have used a texture pack while building it, however, many of the blocks are the same. 

Please tell me what you think of the build :D
Progress100% complete

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02/14/2015 1:52 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
cookiecrunch1708's Avatar
why cant you download it?
Camster The Hamster
07/06/2014 4:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Camster The Hamster's Avatar
