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Level 42 : Master Architect
Nestled within an enchanting woodland realm, the Elven Tower stands as a masterpiece of elegance and craftsmanship, a testament to the ancient race's affinity for harmony between nature and artistry. Its walls, a seamless fusion of smooth white stone and the rich warmth of spruce wood, appear as if grown from the very earth itself, a harmonious blend of the natural and the crafted.

The tower's azure roof, a cerulean masterpiece that mirrors the boundless expanse of the sky, lends an otherworldly charm to the structure. Topped with intricate silver filigree that glimmers like stardust in the sunlight, the roof seems to shimmer with its own magical energy. It's as if the tower's very peak is a portal to the heavens themselves, a conduit through which the elves channel the cosmic energies that weave through their enchanted land.

This is a tower I have redesigned from a palace I buildt a few years ago. Not only to make it look better, but also to make it match the elven style I have going. In a survival world I have buildt 4 of these towers as a form for watch towers for a channel/river to connect the elven village with the ocean.
Progress100% complete

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09/05/2023 9:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
So ive been working on a fairy tale forest in me and my friends survival world. Your builds would fit in with my worlds theme with elven and cherry builds. I would not mind if you don't care but I would be very grateful if you could give me access to these builds for free. When I do post on YouTube or any other platforms I will be sure to add credit to you. I think that your builds are AMAZING and would love to have these builds to add to me and my friends world. If you will please send a message to my discord birged. Thank you for your time in reading this.
