Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Emerald City Toronto

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jaydicine's Avatar jaydicine
Level 46 : Master Taco
Hi guys! This is my build of the Emerald Park Condo complex consisting of 2 (almost) twin towers standing at 143m and 114m (469ft 374ft respectively) They are built at a 1:1.5~ scale. most of my buildings are around 1:2 scale because some taller buildings like my CN Tower Project and some of my New WTC projects have a height greater than 256 blocks (World height limit) so I must shrink them down.

The Main tower is 86 blocks tall,
Second tower is 69 blocks tall
Whole Complex is 62 blocks long
and 45 wide.

I hope you like it. I hope to be putting out new buildings every 3-4 weeks. I am only one person and don't do this all day everyday so yeah. Subscribe at your own discretion.
CreditI used Google Maps for Diminsions and a general view of it.
Progress100% complete

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