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Level 23 : Expert Creeper Theorist
Enigma Remastered Minecraft Map

Nine very complicated tests for the strongest solvers!

What's new:

Chapter 1: The test solutions have changed to make the ascent of difficulty more natural. The red herrings are also more smartly placed.
Chapter 2: The tests are exactly the same with the only difference that Test 2 and Test 3 are now classified as Very Hard instead of Hard.
Chapter 3: This chapter introduces more interesting features that make the tests more enjoyable, but more complex as well.

Coins: No more diamonds! When you solve a test you win coins. Placing all your blocks on gold blocks will grant you extra coins when you solve the test. You can spend coins in the shop.

Shop: You can buy different tools and blocks that make the solving experience more satisfying.

The Lobby: The lobby is an interesting place on it's own now. Instead of having physical structures, it works like a computer with different pages. Everything is stored as information.

Settings: There are lots of options here:
1-Change the theme of the lobby.
2-Change the lobby music.
3-Set a timer for the tests.
4-Set a block break counter for the tests.
5-Reset the map.

No Ultimate Test: I have decided to not include the Ultimate Test of the original Enigma on this version.

New Particles, New Progress Bar, New Sounds, New Start, New Ending, New Experience

Test Solutions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-kuErdqMIQ&ab_channel=puzzler

Java Edition 1.21.4

Original Enigma: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/enigma-i/

Hit the Heart!
Hit the Diamond!

Progress100% complete

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12/15/2024 3:55 pm
He/Him • Level 17 : Journeyman Waffle Skinner
The drop to the lobby could be a bit shorter, but other than that, it's very fun. The colors and style are nice, and the menus are much more cohesive. Overall, this is a very nice map, and I highly recommend it.
