Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[UPDATE] Eradication [1.8 tank shooter/strategy mini-game]

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kungfue's Avatar kungfue
Level 46 : Master Turtle
Eradication [1.8 tank shooter/strategy mini-game]  [FREE-ROAM & CRATES UPDATE]
[Please note that this will NOT work in 18.6 or above! Use 1.8.0 for best results!]

Today i reached level 20, which means i am now a expert :) I  just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has subscibed, gave me a diamond, spent time time to leave a comment or even just looked at my work! Thank you so much! This map is dedicated to all of you out there :) Have fun playing :D

Hello friends and welcome back to another awesome 1.8 map! 
today i present you with Eradication! This is my most advanced map to date and was extremly fun to make!
"All out tank blasting fun" 
"The perfect combination of  stratergy and blasting!

This map is set in a desert vally which has been taken over by terrorists! You, the US Marines are sent in to clear the vally however theres a few twists along the way! Fight your way through 5 epic missions and save the vally! [NOTE this is an alpha version of the game and more missions will be released soon!] You control the tank from a birds eye view! And as it moves you move with it!

[NOTE: You will need the resource pack for best visual results! Download it here]

Update information!
You can find a full list of changes in the "update logs" section.
Free roam:
When you have finished mission 5 you will be given the option to play in free roam!
Free roam is played in a new valley.
When ever you start a game of free roam it will reset all tank sprays/skins but not auras.
When ever you start a new game of free roam it will respawn all towers and tanks.
Crates can be redeamed at two spots (top right of the map + middle bottom)
Crates randomly give you a reward
Crates randomise between 9 rewards.
Crates can give any of the following:
-Ghillie tank spray
-Shadow tank spray
-Ranbow tank spray
-Enchanted aura
-Portal aura
-Rainbow aura
-Credits (10 OR 50)
Spray station:
The spray station can spray the tank tower 4 different colors!
Nobody knows what it stands for, all they kinow is that it is deadly!
The S.N.A.K.E will destory all towers and bad tanks on the screen!
Sound effects
Added loads of sounds including
Tank movement,Tank missile launch,Tank missile explode,Cratee open,Crate close and many more.
Bug fixes
-Movement glitch
-Of centre glitch
-Many more

Click here to find out about the missions!
Mission 1- Boot camp!
In this mission you learn the basic controls and play around for a bit!
Mission 2- Testing your skills!
In this mission the terrorists have set up a grid of deffensive towers around your camp! Take them out to pass!
Mission 3- Intel
The terrorists are up to something! Find 5 peices of intel to pass this leve! (Theres plety of sniper towers here!)
Mission 4-Eastern settlement
The terrorists have attacked the eastern settlment! Get over there and clear them out!
Mission 5- The Den
In this mission you attack the terrorists strong hold! (no spoilers)
Upcoming features!
Planned features
-Free roam (is currently in beta, im letting friends try this out first!)
-second vally (will be for free roam)
-Customisable tanks! (4 unique colors)
-Easter egg... (Pm me if/when you find it!)
-supply crates!
(random rewards for playing the map! Rewards include spray colours, unique tank skins and lots more!)

-Land mines (Bang! Stand o these and its a swift respawn for you!)
-Multiplayer support (some way off yet :p)
-More missions (ideas welcomed below)
-More tanks
-Make your own level? (Not too far off being able to do this, However i dont consider it a priority!)

The map includes: 
-Uniqe items
-Chat joystick
-Tanks, towers and trees!
-Awesome sceenary
-So much more!

Thank you for taking the time to read this long post! 
If you have a idea for a mission either drop me a pm or leave a comment below!
again  i recomend playing in 1.8.0 because commadblocks arent 100% stable 1.8.4

I think you guys are going to like this one! 
Everything on this map was made by be including the building and command blocks! 
I hope you guys have lots of fun playing this map! 
as allways leave a comment down below leave a diamond if you enjoyed it and subscribe to get notifications when i post new projects!  

CreditNameTagGaming.de for some of the texture pack help!, Me for everything else!
Progress100% complete

6 Update Logs

V1.2.5 : by kungfue 06/28/2015 3:44:21 pmJun 28th, 2015

changed the layout of the first 5 missions because the trees where in the way on some of the missions (3,4,5) download coming soon!

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08/11/2015 10:27 am
Level 38 : Artisan Nerd
Dlljs's Avatar
World of Tanks in Minecraft! :D
08/11/2015 10:36 am
Level 46 : Master Turtle
kungfue's Avatar
N multiplayer in this version sadly! :(
06/29/2015 7:16 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Robot
Horwitz1011's Avatar
OooOoO erad2!
06/29/2015 9:13 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Vectorvital's Avatar
Awesome! Can't wait for the sequel! I do have one request though, can you make it so that you are higher when you are in looking at the tank so you can see more of the map? I tend to get lost and be unable to find my way around.
*Tosses diamond to you*
06/29/2015 10:36 am
Level 46 : Master Turtle
kungfue's Avatar
hmmm. i realised shortly after release that i use quake pro so i see a much more zoomed out view :D
06/29/2015 11:19 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Vectorvital's Avatar
Ok! I never thought of that idea, thanks!
06/29/2015 11:39 am
Level 46 : Master Turtle
kungfue's Avatar
Its allright man i need to add a note for optimised settigs ect
06/10/2015 8:33 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Crafter
mick_5's Avatar
So awesome pure gold
06/10/2015 9:48 am
Level 46 : Master Turtle
kungfue's Avatar
Thanks! <3
05/28/2015 1:34 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
