Minecraft Maps / Other

Erebor, The Hobbit films revisited.

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Dwarf
Hello all,

This is the start of my new project, Erebor

As you can see, this is the movie version of erebor, this is not because I prefer it, but rather I appreciate what it is. I really like how it looks again, i have disliked it for a long time but I have found it's charm again. I rewatched the hobbit and i couldn't resist. Monkey see monkey do.
I decided to use tuff blocks because it has a greenish tint, which is of course perfect. And mojang is soon going to add more tuff variant blocks, they will be perfect for erebor.

I want tobuild a very accurate erebor. For that the world uses a datapack that makes it 1530 blocks tall and -512 deep.

This means that there is a full mountain and a world deep enough to build anything you see in the films.

This is now the fourth erebor related project on my page, and the reason for that is that i always seek to improve, and my old erebor maps from years ago simply wont do anymore.

I do intend to release it for download when it is done, or when i decide to be done with it.

I hope you like it!

Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Boenndal 12/03/2023 6:20:43 amDec 3rd, 2023

Small terrain update, ice waterfall and integrating the gate into the mountain more

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11/09/2024 9:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Bönndal, when are you going to add a download of your new Erebor map?
01/14/2024 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
With respect, I don’t care about the rest of the project this gate is AMAZING!! Pls add a download :D
11/30/2023 1:51 am
Level 25 : Expert Mountaineer
Without these data packs I was running on empty with Minecraft. I look forward to seeing your handy work Builder!
11/29/2023 9:42 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Explorer
Its awesome project erebor new :D
11/29/2023 2:25 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Chef
I thought for a second that it's a scene from the actual movie, wow
