Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Eseldur - Medieval Harbour

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Gjed's Avatar Gjed
Level 25 : Expert Waffle
Spes' Port is considered the most rich and florid market in the whole land of Eseldur. Merchants and adventurers from all nations come here to seek for wealth, pleasure and advntures. Everyday, from dawn to midnight, ships set sails toward the inexplored and dangerous lands of Forgondur or the paceful coasts of Jedur.
The city was once a village of fisherman, but it was rebuilt and brought to richness by a family of merchats and explorer, the Berùrul Teròs, that now governs the Harbour.
Someone said that there is a prosperous black market in the Spes' Port, and that the governor controls it, but nobody has ever lived for withnessed it.


This build is part of our overhaul project for the server ForgottenWorld - Eseldur. Therefore there will not be a download.

I hope you ejnoy it!
Progress100% complete

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09/23/2014 2:45 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Architect
Dukonred1's Avatar
Looks very nice, but I suggest you use the conquest resource pack with optifine. Would make your builds look so much better.
09/23/2014 12:49 pm
Level 46 : Master Artist
7thbatalion's Avatar
looks more then great! Its do ***** COOL!! :D
09/23/2014 10:15 am
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Lunoir's Avatar
Looks great!
