Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Gallenga Stuart palace university

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Professor
Gallenga Stuart palace is located in 4 november square in 1800 quarter of Heliopolis city , is sipired by university of stranger of Perugia city located in Grimana square , inside is possible to see decorated and detailed rooms , the lessons rooms , aula magna , and others rooms, at the end of the principal stairs there is a open room that leads to the main terrace and to another stair tha lead to the neo medieval roof top , if you put attencion in the side of the stairs tath leads to the terrace you can notice a little door in the right , inside the lecacion start to be darker and strage things like a head statue that vomit lava , some prison , strage old rooms , at the end the locacion became very white and a lot of light , at the end of bright corridor there its the entrance of two secret laboratories with some blood in the ground wich strage experiments are made in this laboratories ?

ALL CREDITS HeliopolisCity

secret place inside

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1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by HeliopolisCity 12/17/2018 11:41:47 amDec 17th, 2018

interiors completed 100%
exteriors completed 100%
added new schematic

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