Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

la scala theatre

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Level 63 : High Grandmaster Professor
Areplica of the famous La Scala theatre of Milan recreated in Heliopolis city with a majestic square ( piazza Scala , Scala square ) with the intricade quartz design , the original design is in Rome in Campidoglio square original design and project from Michelangelo Buonarrotti , the original square have at the center the statua of Mark Aurelius , in dont add it to the Heliopolis Scala square becase i freper for this square a good view of la Scala theatre , inside the theatre there are a big room , troight it is possibole to access to the theatre main room . if dont go inside the main theatre you can take stairs and go in the roof , there are a garden and a congress hall , the garden is decorated with fountains plants and flowers with many attencion to details .

all credits HeliopolisCity

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Campidoglio square in Rome Michelangelo Buonarrotti

la scala theatre Minecraft Map

La Scala theatre in Milan

la scala theatre Minecraft Map
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06/08/2018 9:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello! I am a Chinese player. I really admire your work. Can I reprint it to MCBBS? Absolutely not for commercial purposes, only for Chinese players.
MCBBS is the largest Minecraft exchange forum in China. Link: www.mcbbs.net/
