Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Gateway Arch in 1:1 scale

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Level 47 : Master Unicorn
Here is my gateway arch in 1:1 scale. Its about 191 meters tall so it just barely fits when its base is at sea level.

I've previously built this in a live server, so originally I didn't have a schematic file to post. I've finallyupdated my program that generated the blueprints to export a schematic file so that others could make use of it without manually entering each block in the editor which would be quite painful since each cross section is generally different from the next. The arch was generated based on the math here.

The shape of the arch is an inverted catenary which traces out the centroid of equilateral triangles which are perpendicular to the catenary and have an area that decreases with altitude.

I scaled it down by a half of a percent to make sure it fit in the 191 height limit. I converted the calculations to meters and rounded to the nearest meter to come up with the minecraft equivalent 3d coordinates. To save materials I eliminated any blocks that were not exposed to the outside. Then I generated the horizontal slices with gridlines in .PNG format to serve as the blueprints for the build. The elimination of non-outside visible blocks trimmed 5353 blocks from the plans, leaving 13568 in the main arch structure (excluding the footing).

Here is a link to a forum with some posts of pictures and details of it on the live server.

There is no interior detail in the schematic.
Progress100% complete

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Dat Tree Gaming
09/25/2013 10:03 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
To be honest this would be much bigger than 1:1.
09/26/2013 6:40 pm
Level 47 : Master Unicorn
The published height of the arch is 630 feet (192 meters). This construction is 191 blocks tall. A minecraft block is defined to be 1 meter on a side.

It is admittedly about a half of a percent smaller than the real thing, but most people wont notice that. The minecraft clouds at an altitude of around 63 above sea level hit this about 1/3 of the way up, which does make it feel pretty big.
Dat Tree Gaming
09/26/2013 6:58 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Nevermind then.
