Minecraft Maps / Complex

Hall of Knowledge

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Circleight's Avatar Circleight
Level 71 : Legendary Princess
'Hall of Knowledge' This is a library project I started a bit back and nhaven't taken the time to uploadthe finished product until now. I want nto have a video of it in the future, so stay tuned for that.

Also note this is part to of the previous post of it. It isn't a full nlook at the building, it is a glimpse of the interior of it, and a bit nof exterior.

I will not be making schematics for it, I couldn't anyhow.

There's no map for this unfortunately due to it being on a server. That server is called 'Pwegoserver'
If you're interested in seeing it in full view, I'd suggest visiting it :) Ask someone where you can find 'Circleight's Hall of knowledge' they might know, if not there is a warp for it at /warp hallofknowledge.
Progress100% complete

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05/13/2015 12:24 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
joey_dev's Avatar
Hello Circleight,

I actually do have a schematic of this building. Idk if the owner would want me to publish it, but if you get his permission, then I'd be more then glad to post a link to it here. I made the schematic btw.

I had a Citizens NPC make the building and it took him 16hrs to build it. Pasting the schematic is too large, it won't load all the way unless you have a stellar server. I have a dedicated server with 12GB of RAM and 8GB dedicated for Minecraft and it only loaded a 10th of it before it crashed. So I would recommend having an NPC "3D Build" the structure.
12/27/2011 12:26 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
Pandoroxus's Avatar
I'm not really an expert at this stuff, but I am fairly sure that you can go on pwego sellect the region that its in and //save it then use single player commands to upload it to a singleplayer world, then poste theschematics for it. (That would most likely kill your computer, but it is possible :D )
12/27/2011 11:39 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Princess
Circleight's Avatar
Hello pandoruxus, I have tried what you're referring to plenty of times. I have in fact saved it multiple times while building it as well. None of which can be saved to files. It is because I do not own the server or have console. If I was given console, I could upload all of paradigm and that's what I would love to do. I don't see that ever happening though.
01/21/2012 11:07 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Engineer
Pandoroxus's Avatar
Thabks for telling me, I really didn't understand completely how that works. Oh and it looks epic.
12/14/2011 3:03 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Kingglo's Avatar
Circle=very epic
10/11/2011 3:39 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Princess
Circleight's Avatar
Wow, thank you all for your nice comments, I appreciate them very much! ^^
10/11/2011 2:46 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Cowboy
xWiiPPeD's Avatar
Ho De Ho!
10/11/2011 7:40 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Ho De Ho!'s Avatar
This is damn sexy. Are you going to upload a world save?
10/10/2011 10:03 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Technomancer
iRapp's Avatar
Hmm... You're a Pwego, aren't you. Gosh darnit. Amazing project regardless.
Zenith V
10/10/2011 10:01 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cake
Zenith V's Avatar
