Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

I Am This Intrinsic Suffering, From Which a Lotus Blooms

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Circleight's Avatar Circleight
Level 71 : Legendary Princess
I Am This Intrinsic Suffering, From Which a Lotus Blooms Minecraft Map

This project was made for a contest by Builder's Refuge, with the theme of 'Sanctuary'. Although I am not a big fan of contests typically, when the theme was first revealed, I decided it would be a great opportunity for me, to still be able to express myself well and not be constrained by a shallow theme. Very early on, before the contest started, I was set on what I would create for it, and excited to make something that would hold strong meaning to me, beyond the contest itself. I put a lot of thought into every piece of this project, with every aspect being symbolic and holding meaning. It was a joy to create, and I enjoyed being a part of the contest.


I am all of these things, in the wake of a storm I've breathed life into, a belonging to the crescent moon that reveals self-reflection, a shadowed mirror pulling the tides of my life in its lambency

With my waves that billow over evanescing memories, from the onset of emotional stimulus, I am my reactions to life, as are my lashing waves, as they rise and collapse, along with me

My brooding storm is one built by prolonged emotional debt, releasing impassioned bolts from the clouds of my turmoil, lighting the sky as it sets the pillars of my weakness ablaze

This act of self-immolation invites regrowth, as the sentinel of my being safeguards my outer core; I am the peacock that nurtures self-care, in defense from the cruel outskirts of my landscape

With my wings spread and feathers unfurled, my temperament becomes one of clarity in the stillness of night, where primordial essence becomes realized in the lunar gaze

Metamorphosis of my self-doubt permeates the tangible sky, in the afterglow of translucent butterflies fluttering free, fragmented ambitions are reborn without self-restraint

Enwrapped in tree branches of unified memories, laden with blooming flowers of ideas, my castle reaches the sky, but does not go beyond; it is grounded

I am the lotus flower born into chaos, from the struggles of my human nature, incubated in the heart of this sanctuary; I reside with inner wholeness, centered in this sanctum of self

Additional Info

My twitter, for other things I won't be posting on my PMC page

Another DL link if the other does not work here

Other images here
Progress100% complete

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04/08/2019 10:47 am
Level 34 : Artisan Pokémon
Wewawamo's Avatar
good to see you're still posting these great projects!
10/07/2018 12:20 am
Level 22 : Expert Toast
TranNhatMinhxD's Avatar
speakless xd
Clockwork Studio
01/22/2018 5:57 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
Clockwork Studio's Avatar
This is seriously sick. Just a huge *gasp* from my side. Diamond, Sub and Fav is reaally earned there :)
07/18/2017 12:37 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Architect
Gavmeister's Avatar
Logged onto this website for the first time in 3 years and was pleased to see that you're still doing amazing things! Fantastic as always.
07/19/2017 5:36 am
Level 71 : Legendary Princess
Circleight's Avatar
Thank you gav =) , it's been quite a while since I've seen your name
07/17/2017 3:20 am
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Iandrum's Avatar
Random story: I saw one of your creations on Imgur the other day in random mode. I didn't look at the name right away, but I had a suspicion that it was you. Thought I would stop by and see what you've been up to. I'm glad to see that you are continuing to push this game to such great artistic limits. Hope you are doing well.
07/10/2017 12:30 am
Level 45 : Master Prince
ciscoqt's Avatar
Artistic genius. Impressive as always. Glad to still see your incredible work. Keep it up :) - cis
07/13/2017 1:34 am
Level 71 : Legendary Princess
Circleight's Avatar
It's been such a long time since I've seen that name, thank you very much cis, that makes me happy :)
05/16/2017 8:04 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Network
niceminecrafter999's Avatar
i just saw that post on YT LOL ^_^
04/17/2017 12:08 am
Level 42 : Master Architect
Nyroc's Avatar
Beautiful, as always!
