Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Halloween Creatures Blood Moon Expansion

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dogfaceboy's Avatar dogfaceboy
Level 40 : Master Engineer
Click On The Minecraft World Save button for a text document of the command

Warning: This is a snapshot 15w43c (1.9) command only. In older versions it will break.

I got a lot of good feedback from the original Halloween Creatures that I posted yesterday so I made an expansion. This expansion adds even more items than the first one aswell as new mobs. The best part about this one is the fact that it will work with or without the original command. This command adds three new mobs and six new items that are lited below. I hope that you enjoy this command. I have spent over five hours of work on it.

Sorry that the ghost doesn't spawn on player death. The clock is to fast so when I find a way to fix it I will update it. This command has been updated to the latest 1.9 snapshots so that is will work the Survival Kit and the soon to come last one in the series.

To install this command simply allow cheats in a world, get a command block by typing /give @p minecraft:command_block, finaly paste the command int the command block.

1. Werewolf: A Werewolf will spawn in a non-hostile mode. Every minute (each Werewolf running on its own timer) a non-hostile Werewolf will turn into a hostile Werewolf and vis versa. A Werewolf will also attack a Werewolf_Hunter (even if the Werewolf is non-hostile).
2. Ghost: Very hard to kill since when one kills you it multiplies.
3. Werewolf Hunter: A Werewolf Hunter will attack a Werewolf (even if the werewolf is non-hostile).

How to find/spawn the mobs:
1. A Werewolf will spawn when a villager and a wolf are within three blocks of each other - or - by spawning a wolf named: Werewolf
2. A Ghost will spawn when a player dies - or - by spawning a ghast named: Ghost
3. A Werewolf Hunter will spawn when a villager and a Werewolf (hostile or not) come within three blocks of each other - or - by spawning a villager named: Werewolf_Hunter

How to get the items:
1. Torn Leather Chestplate: Drops from a hostile Werewolf.
2. Torn Leather Leggings: Drops from a hostile Werewolf.
3. Torn Leather Boots: Drops from a hostile Werewolf.
4. Werewolfs' Head: Drops from a hostile Werewolf. Tip: Wear it.
5. Silversword: Drops from a Werewolf Hunter and deals more damage on a Werewolf (Hostile or not).
6. Ghost Powder: Drops from a Ghost. Throw it on a Ghost to kill it instantly. Ghost Powder can't be obtained through this manner.

To list all of the nearby new mobs type in the following command: /testfor @e[tag=Custom_Mob] you can also kill all of the nearby new mobs by typing in this command: /kill @e[tag=Custom_Mob]

I hope you enjoy this command. If you have any questions or requests please comment, I am always looking for more things to make.

CreditMrGarretto's Command Combiner, MCStacker, various others
Progress100% complete

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10/13/2015 9:26 am
Level 1 : New Miner
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