Minecraft Maps / Complex

Halloween Lobby/Hub

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Level 34 : Artisan Architect
I've built this Lobby for a Server once, they keep stealing it so I just publish it :)

I'll might add some more pic's later :)

Have fun <3


The Lobby contains an (Lv 30, at least I guess so) Enchantment Table, several Anvils (Some are damaged),
lots of Signs, just remove them.

There is a "Main Room" and 4 Side Chambers with space for Shops, "Join-the-Game-Stuff", rules, infos or whatever you want :)

feel free to put all the stuff in you need :)

(I'd feel honored if you would add a Note like "Lobby built by nero_2411 and Dachlandschaft" or something :D )
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by nero_2411 10/30/2018 3:33:53 pmOct 30th, 2018

Happy Halloween

Tho its some Years old, feel free to download, use and edit to your belongings <3

Cheers Nero :)

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10/31/2014 7:28 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
I'll probably add some more downloadable stuff these days, like an adventure tower, and probably some other sort of Lobby :)
10/30/2014 7:13 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Network
holy crap, thats amazing
