Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device


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teranova's Avatar teranova
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
this is a tnt cannon

Step 1 Build the Cannon Frame

Start by placing cobblestone blocks in a rectangular shape, seven blocks long and three blocks wide.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Empty a water bucket on one end of the inside of the cobblestone box. The direction this water flows is the direction we will be aiming our TNT. In the case of the picture below, the water is flowing from right to left and as such, our TNT will be shooting right to left.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Finally, place two cobblestone blocks on the safe end of your rectangle. One of these blocks will be on top of the water sourceo it must not block it.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Step 2 Lay Out the Redstone Trigger

Now that your frame is complete, place a button or lever on the far side of the cannon as seen below.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Run redstone wire down one side of the canon, from the safe side to one block short of the business end.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Now place a redstone torch on the opposite side of the redstone side of your canon, followed by four redstone repeaters. Left click the repeaters until they are in their most open position or longest timing.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Place another block at the end of your line of repeaters with a redstone torch on its side.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Step 3 Load Your Cannon Carefully

Now it's time to get down to business. Place four blocks of TNT in the water trench and a final block of TNT on top of the cobblestone block at the end of your row of TNT.

Your cannon should now look exactly as mine does below.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

Step 4 Activate Your Cannon

Now it's time to get down to business. To activate your cannon, press your lever or button. If you are in survival mode, step far back. The result should be something exciting either way.

How to Build a TNT Cannon in Minecraft

In the image above, I have just activated my canon. The darkened row of TNT has just been activated and as you can see, current is moving up repeaters on the far side to the final block of TNT. Our cannon is calibrated carefully to activate the final TNT just after the row of charges have been blowno this is so that the final TNT block will be activated just on time. If it were activated too soon or too late, it will explode, taking your cannon with it.

The cannon works using the principle that TNT charges, as explained earlier. The row of four TNT blocks is the charge. These will explode, but will not destroy your cannon as long as there is water beneath it. As they explode, these TNT blocks will lend their power to the final block of TNT sending it through the air on a four second timer.

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08/22/2012 11:42 pm
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08/23/2012 5:09 pm
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