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Captain_Paul's Avatar Captain_Paul
Level 26 : Expert Farmer
Have you ever wanted an Ice Age world but couldn't find one? Well here is your chance to have one! I have searched far and wide for Ice Age maps but to no avail. So I have taken it into my own hands and using MCEdit I have successfully made an Ice Age map called Iceland. With numerous landscape feature from extreme terrains with small floating lands, flat desolate areas, thick forests, and a small piece of swampland, this world has anything to suit your tastes.

Snow is from


-Birch wood and leaves only

Blocks you can not get without inventory hacking or going outside the border:
-Pine or Oak wood
-Pine or Oak leaves
-You can access water, just break ice
-Farming of any kind including trees but there is plenty of trees to get wood from.

If you find anything in the change list that somehow didn't get changed please let me know by leaving a comment what it is and what the coordinates are. Also leave a comment with any suggestions. Yes there is an Ice Age mod but he did not update after 1.7 nor can some people figure out how to install it.
Progress100% complete

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11/17/2011 3:06 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Mage
umm, its a little weird only found SNOW in all the map...
11/21/2011 9:05 pm
Level 26 : Expert Farmer
Captain_Paul's Avatar
You are probably int he area messed up. Going to x:50 and z:50 I think is what I messed up.
10/30/2011 12:17 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Mr.Enigma's Avatar
good, did you make this with MCedit??
10/30/2011 12:54 pm
Level 26 : Expert Farmer
Captain_Paul's Avatar
Clearly someone didn't read the description :P lol Yeah I did. I don't think anyone would replace every block by hand it would take forever even working 24/7. they would have to change at least 10 million blocks.
