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Idrick's Bastion was named after the mountain whose slopes it was built on; Idrick's Spindle. Idrick's Spindle is perhaps the tallest mountain in the known world and exceedingly the tallest in the Empire alone. The name comes from the belief that this mountain is the foundation on which the world is rotated by the creation deity, Idrick. Found at almost the exact center of the geographic North Pole it is surrounded by a massive ice field. The ice field is extremely dangerous; it is constantly adjusting and moving. You could be standing on solid ice one moment and then the next you could be swallowed whole by a massive newly formed chasm. As you get closer to Idrick's Spindle the violent churning ice increases in activity significantly. Near the shore, the constant motion and pushing of the ice causes massive jagged ice spikes to erupt up from the already ragged surface of the ice. There have been rare reports of people being impaled by the spikes that have shot up right in front of them as they were attempting to traverse the fields. These reports, however, have never been confirmed, nor could they be, due to the constant movement of the ice.
Unfortunately, the movement and activity of the ice are not the only significant danger surrounding Idricko s Spindle. The winds, being there is nothing to stop or slow them down, can gust along at upwards of 230 miles per hour. These kinds of winds do occur quite frequently and are seemingly independent of other weather patterns; they come up out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Then there is the issue of the cold. Temperatures colder than colder than -60°C are often been seen and temperatures have never gotten warmer than -24°C. As with the wind, the temperature seems to also act independently of other normal factors. A person could be standing and a gust of relatively warm air could hit them and then could be immediately followed by another gust of extremely cold air. It has been theorized to be caused by some kind of volcanic activity in the ice field itself; however there has never been any observed volcanic activity in or below the ice.
Should a person successfully traverse the ice field, survive the cold, and not get literally blown away by the wind, they would have a somewhat pleasant surprise upon reaching Idricko s Spindle and further Idricko s Bastion built on the slopes. The island, due to the constant churning of the ice against the rocks and subterranean volcanic activity, is relatively mild in weather and conditions. Temperatures around the island occasionally get above freezing, melting the snow that doesno t get blown into and around the ice field. Winds are much calmer, mostly because the winds seem to whirl around the island and never directly at it. Trees and animals are found all over the island, seemingly in paradise compared to the icy hell that surrounds it. Soil, if you can find a significant patch to plant on, is fertile and cold weather crops grow well. The only strange activity on the island itself is are a constant, barely audible, rumbling/grinding sound and a very slight constant vibration. Larger tremors do occur sporadically, but they are extremely weak considered the amount of geologic activity on and around the island.
Resource pack is the Conquest pack.
You can view a whole lot more images on my two Imgur albums for this build. The album with no shaders, and the album with shaders.
If you want, there is a clean version of the island for download here that you can use to play on or whatever.
Idricko s Bastion has over 35 individual rooms;
Unfortunately, the movement and activity of the ice are not the only significant danger surrounding Idricko s Spindle. The winds, being there is nothing to stop or slow them down, can gust along at upwards of 230 miles per hour. These kinds of winds do occur quite frequently and are seemingly independent of other weather patterns; they come up out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Then there is the issue of the cold. Temperatures colder than colder than -60°C are often been seen and temperatures have never gotten warmer than -24°C. As with the wind, the temperature seems to also act independently of other normal factors. A person could be standing and a gust of relatively warm air could hit them and then could be immediately followed by another gust of extremely cold air. It has been theorized to be caused by some kind of volcanic activity in the ice field itself; however there has never been any observed volcanic activity in or below the ice.
Should a person successfully traverse the ice field, survive the cold, and not get literally blown away by the wind, they would have a somewhat pleasant surprise upon reaching Idricko s Spindle and further Idricko s Bastion built on the slopes. The island, due to the constant churning of the ice against the rocks and subterranean volcanic activity, is relatively mild in weather and conditions. Temperatures around the island occasionally get above freezing, melting the snow that doesno t get blown into and around the ice field. Winds are much calmer, mostly because the winds seem to whirl around the island and never directly at it. Trees and animals are found all over the island, seemingly in paradise compared to the icy hell that surrounds it. Soil, if you can find a significant patch to plant on, is fertile and cold weather crops grow well. The only strange activity on the island itself is are a constant, barely audible, rumbling/grinding sound and a very slight constant vibration. Larger tremors do occur sporadically, but they are extremely weak considered the amount of geologic activity on and around the island.
Additional Notes
Resource pack is the Conquest pack.
You can view a whole lot more images on my two Imgur albums for this build. The album with no shaders, and the album with shaders.
If you want, there is a clean version of the island for download here that you can use to play on or whatever.
Idricko s Bastion has over 35 individual rooms;
Expand to see rooms
1st Floor
2nd Floor
3rd Floor
4th Floor
5th Floor
6th Floor
7th Floor
- Kitchen
- Dining Hall
2nd Floor
- Dining Hall Balcony
3rd Floor
- General Armory
- Alchemisto s Quarters
- Ingredient Storage
- General Infantry Barracks
- 1 Privy
- 2 Storage Closets
- Captaino s Quarters
4th Floor
- Common Room
- Advanced Infantry Barracks
- Lieutenanto s Quarters
- Workroom
- 1 Storage Closet
- Guest Suite
- Overseero s Quarters
- 1 Privy
5th Floor
- Admittance Office
- Quartermastero s Quarters
- Strategy Room
- Advanced Armors Armory
- Special Armors Armory
- Records Room
- General Purpose Storage
- Specialty Storage
6th Floor
- Patrol Warming House
7th Floor
- Catch-all Storage
- Smitho s Office
- Smithing Room
- Meat Locker
- Food Storage Room
- Dungeon Guardo s Station
- Dungeon
- Torture Room
- Midden
Credit | Catapults based on a design by VoV |
Progress | 100% complete |
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2 Update Logs
Update #2 : by QuikFox 10/27/2021 7:36:56 pmOct 27th, 2021
Updated download link
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Edit: I am going to make you some cinematics if I have some spare time.