This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Empire Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Nether Structure

Inferorum Regnum (Nether Contest Finalist 34th place) with Cinematic + Download!

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Level 41 : Master System

Sacunda, the empire of the fire-hearted and the gray eyed. They came from beyond the edge of the world and made slaves of all races who dared not bow at their feet. 400 years after the churning war machine began its advance none rebel against the mighty Sacundans. Inferorum Regnum, the o��Kingdom of Hell,o�� is the capital of these powerful wielders of metal and spillers of blood. At this city on the edge of the world, they forge unbreakable Uaick Steel and mold their burning hearts into the shape of industry. They built grand cathedrals honouring the broken saints of Amahalia. They completed feats of impressive industrial architecture; some grand creations even carried their trades through the air. The Sacundans were truly the demanding pioneers of the wretched overworld, their reign reaching from end to end of this bountiful world.

The Sacundan overlords watched in awe as a glowing meteor descended upon their land. The mages' greatest spells could not stop or even slow it. Everyone held their breath as the meteor crashed into lava beds. Smoke filled the air. Then, something stirred... The overlords immediately sent a squadron of shock troopers to surround the crash site. An odd creature emerged. It was short and blocky, with too many fingers in each hand. Its skin was the color of dried feces. The Sacundans gazed in wonder at the strange creature as it started to jabber away at them. Then their instincts kicked in. "Steve", as the creature called itself, was promptly enslaved and forced to work in the quartz mines, where he died three days later.

Watch the Cinematic above, or click on the link here!

This is a solo build, although i am a senior member of Demons Build Team. This build is the largest solo build I have attempted, and it covers 80% of the map.

This build was designed as a showcase of my abilities with several popular building themes/styles: victorian, medieval, steampunk, fantasy, dwarven, etc
Built with minimal Worldedit assistance, no voxelsniper, over a period of about 2 weeks (~18 hours of work time).

Color scheme/block pallete: Hell/Dirty Urban/Victorian 95% netherbrick, stonebrick, cobblestone (duh), lava, water, netherwart, glowstone, nether quartz as decoration colors

The build consists of (approximately) 16,000 stonebricks, 21,500 netherbricks, 4500 stairs, 15,000 glowstone, 3600 slabs, 500 iron bars, 1200 glass, 2000 netherbrick fence, 5000 wool, 2000 netherwarts, 3200 stone wall, 700 buttons, plus many other blocks, totaling about 90,000 placed blocks

What's in the build:
a lava aqueduct (lavaduct?)
a cathedral
a clock tower
a village
a city
assorted watchtowers and the city walls
an airship dock, a hot air balloon, and a zepplin
4 wind turbines
a factory
a windmill
2 netherwart fields
a port
2 trade ships
a mage's tower
a crane
dwarven gates/mineral storage room
a lighthouse
a fountain, town square, and marketplace,
and some glowstone trees

If you like the build, don't forget to:

Diamond,Favorite, andSubscribe

Thanks to fellow Demon Members LegendOfFire and Darthnerda for doing cinematic and lore, respectively. And thanks to the community for helping to get this project in the finals!

Check out our website here:

Youtube Channel:

I am accepting commissions!

Contact me at if you want me to do a build for your server!
CreditLegendOfFire, Darthnerda
Progress100% complete

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by jefe070 11/03/2013 6:37:40 pmNov 3rd, 2013

added thumbnail (by LegendOfFire)

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10/29/2013 7:03 pm
Level 41 : Master System
10/29/2013 6:59 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Join Pick+Dolphin team
09/18/2013 6:22 pm
Level 41 : Master System
Results are out! this entry got 34th place out of 278. Pretty good for a first effort, dont you agree?
09/17/2013 11:15 pm
Level 41 : Master System
YAY! Finalists FTW!
09/11/2013 9:31 pm
Level 41 : Master System
Well, the contest ends tonight! I think i'm pretty well set. Aiming for top 25. :D Wish me luck!
09/12/2013 1:14 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
I gotta say, this is a really cool map. I hope you get to the finals!
09/12/2013 10:00 am
Level 41 : Master System
09/08/2013 8:35 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Geek
..I'm really liking this out of place piece of Nether infected British wonderland
09/04/2013 8:37 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that is splended!
09/04/2013 8:10 pm
Level 23 : Expert Unicorn
again... a level 1 or 2 person totally OWNS me at this contest
