Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Island Jumpsz | Jump n Run / Adventure Map

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Chreedy's Avatar Chreedy
Level 21 : Expert Architect

Hello to you out there :)

This is my first jump'n run / adventure map.
The name "Island Jumpsz" comes from the fact that you're jumping over islands and
the "z" is there for it to look a little different than any other title.

The YouTube Video is by Billybo10k. He showed the map in a little Lets Play. He was for my opinion pretty fast and did a great job :). I found some more YouTube Videos, where some funny people play my map. If youre intrested just click on the links from GamerSpace , zsDav and Ashlie9596. There u can see there videos on YouTube.

The map consists of a total of 12 islands with 11 running over Jump n
reached. Please play the map in Adventure Mode / Gamemode 2 (Press the button at the start).

I would be happy if you can post your time
when u finished the map, simply because I'm interested.

Have fun in playing and testing.
Criticism and comments are always desired.

greetings Chreedy (translation by Google :D)

Hallo an euch da draußen.

Das ist meine erste Jump n Run / Adventure Map.
Der Name "Island Jumpsz" kommt daher das man über Inseln springt und
das "z" ist da dran damit es etwas anders aussieht als jeder andere Titel.

Die Map besteht aus insgesamt 12 Inseln wobei man 11 über Jump n Runs
erreicht. Bitte spielt die Map im Adventure Mode / Gamemode 2 (dazu den
Knopf am Start drücken).

Es würde mich freuen wenn jeder der die Map schafft seine ungefähre Zeit
posten könnte, einfach weil es mich interessiert.

Viel Spaß beim spielen und testen.
Kritik und jegliche Kommentare sind aufjedenfall erwünscht.

LG Chreedy

Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by Chreedy 04/21/2018 5:06:24 pmApr 21st, 2018

- I found some videos on YT where some cool people play this map :)

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04/13/2019 8:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bentomusique's Avatar
hello @Chreedy an excellent map I use on my pvp server faction as a jump from the map in the jump I leave the signs with your name as if you were the one who built it jump
04/01/2018 1:00 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
2003LightB's Avatar
What version is this?
04/01/2018 3:29 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Chreedy's Avatar
Its built in 1.12.2 :)
03/27/2018 5:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DynamicDE's Avatar
looks pretty nice, can i put it on a private server for playing it with my friends?

nice work
03/27/2018 5:41 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
Chreedy's Avatar
sure, on a private server is it OK :)
