Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Itocapehua - Fantasy Meso-American Mayan/Aztec inspired ruins - Fables and Fantasy RP

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Fables and Fantasy RP
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Mage
Deep in the jungle Yectic-Cuauhtla is the city of Itocapehuatlaca. In this city lives the Cuetzlhuatl: a race of lizard-like humanoids, known as reptilians, or lizard-men to others around Eden. The Cuetzlhuatl are a misunderstood people. Most people around Eden would likely interact with traveling merchants from the jungle, or more likely, meet one of the many traveling mercenary women known as the Tlaquehualli in Nacuetzl, the Cuetzlhuatl’s native language. Though they could be called mercenaries, there is more nuance to this culture of warrior women who travel the land. They’re all bound by a code of honor, and it is thought that wherever these women travel, they bring Itocapehua with them. In their eyes, Itocapehua is a state of mind.

The actual city of Itocapehuatlaca, and by extension, the nation of Itocapehua, is rather different from the mercantile or mercenaries that tend to travel the land. The capital city is brimming with artwork, delicious food, and music. The majority of the Cuetzlhuatl who live there tend to be artisans, putting everything into their crafts. Of course, the city can also be rather intimidating with its heavy usage of slave labor, and a rather tense divide between the aristocracy and the peasantry. Overall, tourism in Itocapehuatlaca is not only common, but it’s welcome.

Itocapehua as a nation, is rather matriarchal. This is more so due to Cuetzlhuatl physiology. Females of these people tend to be larger, stronger, and more dominant than males, and their religion is centered around a Queen Dragon. Thus, their ruler (The Mulata) and their High Priestess/Oracle (The Liuhqui) are both women. Both are treated as rulers of Itocapehua, even though only the Mulata live within the capital. The Liuhqui live on one of the volcanic islands to the east of Yectic-Cuahtla, tending to the volcano where their Queen sleeps.

Right now nothing of their society remains but ruins scattered across the greart southern jungle. But one day one might awake them.


There are a lot of new builds on Fables & Fantasy. The server has been open for a couple of months now and supports an active roleplay community. Please visit the server and join our discord!

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Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Fables and Fantasy RP 10/07/2022 5:05:29 amOct 7th, 2022

New trailer

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03/23/2022 9:56 am
Level 1 : New Miner
How do I download this?
03/18/2022 10:12 am
Level 20 : Expert System
Is there a way to download this?
09/19/2021 11:17 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Is it possible for me to download this?
09/16/2021 1:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Man, I wish I had original minecraft to play on this server, it looks so beautiful!!
Your maps are litelly the prettiest ones I've ever seen on planetminecraft
Fables and Fantasy RP
09/17/2021 8:09 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Mage
Thank you so much!
09/15/2021 10:08 am
Level 33 : Artisan Miner
Woah dude! This is such a cool map!
