Minecraft Maps / Other

Jaling City v1.3

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Rizky Pramudya's Avatar Rizky Pramudya
Level 29 : Expert Dragon
Jaling is the fictional world I made. So, do not expect the world is there in the gaming world, especially in the real world. So, this world is only a fictional world that doesn't exist in any game. besides aiming to roam, the world is also intended for adventure and whatever purpose.

World Features
1. Cities, including cities in the Overworld and the Nether
2. Village
3. Battle Arena
4. Forest
5. Station
6. Farm
7. Stables
- Horses
- Cow
- Sheep
8. Horse Racing
9. Modern Houses
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
10. Traditional Houses
11. Football Field
12. Town Hall
13. Gold Storage
14. Gold Mine and Gold Block Mine
15. and more

Just play and enjoy

Jika kamu ngga ngerti bahasa Inggris baca yang ini - Bahasa Indonesia
-Bahasa Indonesia
Jaling adalah dunia Fiksi buatan saya. Jadi, jangan harap dunia ini ada di dunia game, apalagi di dunia nyata. Memang ada sih di sunia nyata, letaknya di Sulawesi Selatan. tapi, yang ini sangat berbeda dengan Jaling di Sulawesi Selatan. Jadi, dunia ini Hanyalah dunia fiksi yang tidak ada di game manapun. selain bertujuan untuk menjelajah, dunia ini juga bertujuan untuk berpetualang dan bertujuan apa saja.

Fitur dunia
1. Kota, termasuk kota di Overworld maupun di Nether
2. Desa
3. Battle Arena
4. Hutan
5. Stasiun
6. Sawah
7. Kandang
- Kuda
- Sapi
- Domba
8. Balap Lari Kuda
9. Rumah Modern
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 3
- Level 4
- Level 5
- Level 6
- Level 7
10. Rumah Tradisional
11. Lapangan Sepak Bola
12. Town Hall
13. Gold Storage
14. Gold Mine dan Gold Block Mine
15. dan masih banyak lagi

Selamat bermain dan menikmati. Besok lebaran idul fitrinya, jadi kalau saya ada salah, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Older Version of Jaling :
Jaling 1.2.1
Jaling 1.2 (Masehi New Year Update (2015 M))
Jaling 1.1.1
Jaling 1.1
Jaling 1.0
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

Idul FItri Update (1436 H) : by Rizky Pramudya 07/16/2015 2:09:33 amJul 16th, 2015

Updated to Jaling City v1.3 (Idul Fitri Update (1436 H))
1. Bedrock Wall changed to Green Wall (Stained Clay)
2. Some Buildings changed to Stained Clay Block
3. Expand a City
4. added Archer Tower (or gang tower) buildings
5. added Town Hall
6. added Gold Storage and Gold Mine nor Gold Block Mine
7. banner contains Kiki Love Indira Ekayati changed to Jaling Clans banner

baca yang ini jika kamu ngga ngerti bahasa Inggris - Bahasa Indonesia
-Bahasa Indonesia
Updated to Jaling City v1.3 (Idul Fitri Update (1436 H)). lebaran Idul Fitrinya besok.
1. Wall Batu Dasar diubah menjadi Wall Hijau (Tanah Liat)
2. Beberapa bangunan diubah menjadi Bangunan tanah liat (Stained Clay)
3. Kota diperluas
4. menambahkan Bangunan Archer Tower (atau Geng Tower)
5. menambahkan Town Hall
6. menambahkan Gold Storage dan juga Gold Mine maupun Gold Block Mine
7. banner yang berisi Kiki Love Indira Ekayati diubah menjadi Jaling Clans banner

Besok lebaran idul fitrinya. jadi kalau saya ada salah, mohon maaf lahir dan batin

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07/24/2015 5:37 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
Cool :D
07/16/2015 5:27 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Amazing City.

Just A Question Is This City In Real Life?
07/22/2015 6:02 am
Level 29 : Expert Dragon
Rizky Pramudya
Rizky Pramudya's Avatar
No. This city isn't related to Jaling City (South Sulawesi, Indonesia) in the World. So, this city is different from Jaling Real World
07/22/2015 6:08 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Oh :P I Wouldn't Know
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