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Level 46 : Master Architect
This is my survival world, played on medium difficulty, so don't expect anything too fancy. :)

It's a thriving little world I have there, though.
The house is cosy and well equipped. It's surrounded by hanging gardens (on terrasses) lit by lanterns. Nothing but big trees everywhere.
There's a large cavern system under the hill, with a skeleton dungeon grinder, a mushroom farm and even a slime cave (well when the game is willing to spawn slimes, that is :/ ).
Around the hill you'll find a tree farm, wheat farm, a small lake with sugar canes, a cactus farm and a stone quarry.

The spawn point is protected by a small fort and connected to the main house via either a Nether portal or an aerial railway.
Another railway runs in a big square and comes back to the house (I needed some fresh air).

Have fun visiting my little world.

Additional Notes

Most of this is legit. Here are some exceptions:
- Used Minutor to locate interesting cave systems for intensive mining.
- Used Minutor to locate easy to reach glowstone formations in the Nether.
- Waited for Minecraft version 1.6 to harvest glowstone (before that it was a total ripoff!)
- Used the online Minecraft Slime Finder to locate the closest chunks where slimes would spawn and dug a cave there.

The world seed is really actually "4". I wanted something easy to remember.

Texture pack used:
Mix between Doku's RPG (most natural textures like stone, cobble, log, ngrass and so on) and DokuCraft. Some personal modifications.
Progress100% complete

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12/17/2011 5:56 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Architect
I really like your stuff
12/18/2011 9:56 am
Level 46 : Master Architect
Thank you very much! You have made my day! ;-)
07/18/2011 5:13 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
the ips 4 lol
07/19/2011 4:48 am
Level 46 : Master Architect
Sorry I didn't quite get that :-)
09/25/2011 12:20 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
The IP is four (4)
09/25/2011 1:47 pm
Level 46 : Master Architect
Ohh, right! Although I don't know what IP stands for, I guess we're talking about the world seed.

Yes, it's actually 4. That's my lucky number. ;-)
