Minecraft Maps / Land Structure


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nossiano's Avatar nossiano
Level 27 : Expert Architect
Welcome to MDNA WORLD!!! This project has 6 great developments:
  • MDNA CITY(completed);
  • DUBAO CITY(completed);
  • THE GREEN CITY & AKOYA(completed);
  • MDNA F1 GRAN PRIX(completed) & MDNA EXPO (completed);
  • ELYSIO CITY(completed);
  • MASDAR CITY(under construction), available in v 6.0.

My first city is MDNA City, the capital of my world and i'm building this city since july 2012 and after 1 year of work this city is completed. Every building is complete inside and outside. I hope you like my world ^^

Now MDNA CITY, DUBAO CITY, AKOYA&GREEN CITY, MDNA F1 GRAN PRIX, MDNA EXPO and ELYSIO CITY are finally completed!!!!! ^^. I think i will complete this world in Q2-2018 ^-^
( I'm sorry for my english: i'm italian ^^)

SEE MDNA WORLD IN 3D!!!!!!!!!!
NEXT UPDATE(V 6.0): Q2-2018
Differences between v 5.0 and v 4.5:
  • A new city, Elysio, in the woods north of MDNA City;
  • New Shops Between MDNA Expo and MDNA F1 Gran Prix
  • More Skyscrapers between MDNA Expo and MDNA Airport.

IN V 6.0 There will be a rebuilt sports district in MDNA City and a new city: MASDAR CITY.

ps: i really thankscnorgren &TheChriZ1995 because i've added to my world the stadium of alleron city, in a restaured version, and a cruise ship of thechriz1995 :)

Additional Notes

my skins of the villagers ---> http://www.mediafire.com/download/lzkao9dcaa2s59f/villager.zip
Progress90% complete

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New Tours Oficial
04/18/2020 9:41 am
Level 37 : Artisan Miner
New Tours Oficial's Avatar
any theatre??

09/17/2017 3:43 pm
Level 27 : Expert Architect
nossiano's Avatar
I Know I'm very late, but now I'm building the last house in Elysio.
03/22/2017 10:27 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
nossiano's Avatar
Hi guys! I'm sorry because I'm really late...
Now the first half of Elysio is completed and I've also added new buildings near the Expo.
I'm working hard when I can because I've few free time left. I'll post the next update ad soon as I can.
09/13/2016 8:25 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
nossiano's Avatar
I'm sorry guys: I'm still building Elysio and I don't know how long it will take...
However I will post it as soon as I complete it. ^^
07/24/2016 5:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wedominecraft's Avatar
Will the ocean temple in north MDNA city be fixed? so it can be played over 1.9?
05/27/2016 7:35 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
nossiano's Avatar
I'm sorry: I've delayed the update (V5.0) because i'm working very hard for my graduation.
I've also cancelled MASDAR City (north of Akoya), because i'm also working for the entry test to the University and I've very few free time:(
02/04/2016 3:49 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
nossiano's Avatar
I'm sorry guys... I delayed the update because I had few free time and my computer has been broken for three weeks.
Now everything is working and i'm starting to build new skyscrapers, new houses, new streets 
I'll update this world as soon I can ^-^
02/03/2016 10:39 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KR005's Avatar
yessss the update is out !!!!
11/12/2015 11:00 am
Level 27 : Expert Architect
nossiano's Avatar
I'm sorry guys, i'm still building the new airport and I think I will not complete it earlier than December 2015... In this period I've got a lot of homework to do , I'm taking my driving license and I've got few free time, so i'm building my city a bit slowly :(
10/09/2015 10:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mrgamerultra's Avatar
Ciao Nossiano per l'EXPO ti sei ispirato a quello di Milano? Comunque aspetto con ansia altre città
