Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Medieval Capital City - The Port [Conquest Reforged]

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Minecrafttalsi's Avatar Minecrafttalsi
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Map version 4.2

Build using the Conquest Reforged Mod

What? It has been well over a year already? Guess it's about time then ;)

This medieval capital city is by far the largest project I have ever worked on (and probably will continue to work on for a long time). The port is currently the only area that is finished and already is larger than my "Rich Medieval Town" and "Dark Medieval City" combined!

The other areas will be:
- the Outskirts (~ 40% done)
- the Main City (~ 25% done)
- the Old Town (~ 5% done)
Progress100% complete

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07/20/2024 4:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5264688G's Avatar
I love this map so much, it is so beautiful and one of the only minecraft maps that’s so large and detailed. I’m wanting to start my own server and was wondering if I could use this map (with credit of course) as I would love to start finishing off some of the cities and detailing the empty terrain. I’ve managed to successfully port it to 1.20.1 as well.

04/13/2024 4:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
bill_lukas's Avatar
Hello! Your map is simply a masterpiece. My comrades and I would like to host a DnD company on your map. Will this map be updated again or is this the latest version?

UPD: I found posts where you say that this map is somewhat abandoned. This is very sad! But is it possible to find out how ready your new project is? Unfortunately, I don't have access to Twitter and can't see your new work.
11/29/2023 9:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
frantv's Avatar
I installed Forge 1.12.2 and the Conquest Mod (only Version 3.0.4 for 1.12.2, is available), if i load the map, it says, there are missing blocks and big land masses are also missing. What now? Also there are some broken .mca files in your save file.
11/30/2023 11:51 am
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Minecrafttalsi's Avatar
did you open the map before installing the mod? If so it will break and you would need to download the map again if you didn't create a backup. And you did install not only the Resource Pack but also the mod? Just making sure because it works for me with mod version 3.0.2, you can download this version here:

12/01/2023 1:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
frantv's Avatar
got it working thx. but same thing as @ferrix sayed
12/01/2023 2:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ferrix's Avatar
I had the same problem at first, it was because I thought a "mod pack" also contained the mods but they were missing. Now it works but a large part of the world "Farming Village w/ Windmill" is missing for me. When I want to copy the world files, I also get an error that some .mca files are corrupted and cannot be copied.

I think your world is really great, first of all, thank you very much.
I would be extremely happy and also donate something if you could recreate the city of athkatla from Baldur's Gate 2.
i think your building-style will match that very well.

10/29/2023 9:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
StapmanL's Avatar
Do you know what versions this map works on? I’ve had a little trouble getting it to work and I would absolutely Love to explore te map and get inspiration for my own builds. Also is the conquest reforged mod required to run your map(s)? Or can i also run them vanilla
10/29/2023 4:13 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Minecrafttalsi's Avatar
You need to install the Conquest Reforged Mod to open this map (version 3.0.2 for Minecraft 1.12.2)
10/06/2023 5:29 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Waffle
knetterzak's Avatar
Could I use your builds as reference material for a minecraft related comic I am working on? I will credit you, ofcourse! :)
10/08/2023 10:22 am
Level 76 : Legendary Architect
Minecrafttalsi's Avatar
