Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Medieval Fishing Hut [Schematic]

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Cervvius Maximus's Avatar Cervvius Maximus
Level 55 : Grandmaster Crafter
Hello again! This was a build I did in my village that was inspired by the one BlueNerd built. I have even given a go at the interior on this one but I didn't go nuts so alter it as needed.

If you like the build give it a like and subscribe for more upcoming content. :D

Texture pack used is the BlueNerd Texture Pack - Vanilla Plus
Progress100% complete

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12/25/2022 4:12 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HMBA_Sprocket's Avatar
Built this outside my castle and it was the perfect accent building. Thanks!
Cervvius Maximus
01/01/2023 5:07 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Crafter
Cervvius Maximus's Avatar
Awesome to hear! You are very welcome. :D
Cervvius Maximus
10/18/2022 7:15 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Crafter
Cervvius Maximus's Avatar
My poor puppers :/ His bowls empty! I am the worst...
