Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Medieval mansion [Part 2-Interior] [Schematic]

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Cervvius Maximus's Avatar Cervvius Maximus
Level 55 : Grandmaster Crafter
Hello again! Here is the 2nd part of the medieval mansion I previously posted! This upload is focused on the interior design of the build and can probably get a little chaotic without the proper texture pack. The one I've previously used in all of my builds is Blunerds vanilla plus and it can be downloaded from his discord page.

This was a tough build as i am not that good with interiors or adding lots of depth to the structure in general but think it turned out decent enough, be sure to let me know in the comments below if you like it or not and if so don't forget to drop a diamond and subscribe to my page for future builds.

Command is schem load CBD12.5

Interior includes:

1 Kitchen

1 Dining Room

1 Entry Room ''If you would like to count this''

1 Living Room

2 Storage Rooms

3 Bedrooms

1 Library

1 Enchanting Room

1 Armory

In addition:

To keep the schematic as easy to paste as possible I did not actually create the cellar located on the porch, you can fill this in or lay it out yourself "Id love to see screenshots :D''

Their is also another decent sized room at the very top floor of the building with an attic, this was also not decorated. My idea for this room was to be a guest home, a fencing room or just another large storage room. 
Progress100% complete

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Cervvius Maximus
11/18/2022 8:14 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Crafter
Cervvius Maximus's Avatar
