Minecraft Maps / Complex

Medieval Knight's Castle | Download

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Level 26 : Expert Princess Pony
This castle I built in survival for beauty's sake. And for my own satisfaction. During the construction I was inspired by old knight castles, especially the Château de Coucy. I tried to build the castle so that it would look like a medieval castle, not a fantasy structure with arrowslit. I started building it in 2021, but because of life, finish it just 2023. My castle is called - Chateau de Rune. And it's my first.

If you lost: 237 78 283
Version: 1.20.4
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by woollenleaves 06/06/2024 7:48:26 amJun 6th

Update version
More mapart
Minor changes
Map size reduction

+ I did the subtitles.

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11/30/2023 6:41 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Miner
This is good! However, I would personally make the inner walls not just be plain cobblestone and stuff. I'd probably do something like quartz block or something with maybe some terracotta for patterns, to imitate the old plastered walls in castles that were often painted with fresco or something. That or they'd have tapestries. But it's a very good build!
