Minecraft Maps / Complex

Military Base & Island

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Stratofortress8's Avatar Stratofortress8
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Hey guys,
This is a post about the start of a project i'm undertaking at this moment. I've got to the point when I can start to show off the progress. It will be a full size military base with all three areas of the defence force (Air Force, Navy, Army) all in one. This will be as realistic as possible with full size runways, taxiways, planes, vehicles and ships. The nationit is based around will mainly be the United States but will also have a number of other NATO and allied nations such as the United Kingdom, Australia, France, etc. Most of the vehicles and ships will not be made be myself but followed off tutorials from a really good youtuber called Lord Dakr. He has a whole armada of exceptional ships, planes, vehicles and buildings. I will be looking at real life bases and airfields for inspiration. The main ones iv'e looked at were Bagram Airfeild, Afghanistan and Joint Base Pearl Harbour-Hickam.
Credit: C-5 Galaxy - Lord Dakr
            C-130 Hercules - Lord Dakr
            KC-135 Stratotanker - Lord Dakr
            Airbus A380 - Lord Dakr
            USS Zumwalt - Lord Dakr
            USS Independence - Lord Dakr
Youtube - Lord Dakr: www.youtube.com/user/lorddakr
Progress10% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Stratofortress8 11/30/2014 1:03:36 amNov 30th, 2014

Started docks for the Independence class LCS, Freedom class LCS, Zumwalt class destroyer and the Arleigh Burke class destroyer

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03/28/2016 10:53 pm
Level 28 : Expert Birb
Tecovical's Avatar
May I help at all? I'll be posting some of my ships and planes soon.
11/30/2014 2:38 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
X_hunter33's Avatar
I hate how none of the vehicles you used are yours. I know you gave credit but pretty much all thats yours is the chunk of land containing those. You should try making stuff yourself first.
12/01/2014 5:35 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Stratofortress8's Avatar
I'm not the best at building ships and planes so that's why I do use these tutorials. They are good builds and it cuts a lot of time in making the ships where I can be making other things. But I will be making ships myself at some point as the build is still in early stages
10/24/2014 7:02 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
luuk_bryan's Avatar
Could you post some more pics? I cant see the whole thing. But nice work!
10/27/2014 6:58 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Stratofortress8's Avatar
It's still haevily under construction and what I have built so far represents a small part of the entire build. I'm actually undergoing another project right now, another ship called the USS Alaska CB-1. When that is done i'll do alot more to this and start to get the bulk of it done. Ive only done part of the runways, taxiways and apron (wear the planes are parked) but ill start to add hangers, addministrative buildings and work my way to the docks for the naval and cargo ships. This is a big but fesable project that won't be done for a while but i'll try and update as best I can.
10/14/2014 9:53 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Sailor
Ivanm101's Avatar
Hey, seems like nice project, just one quick question. Will the base be at an island?, Thanks.
10/14/2014 9:53 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Sailor
Ivanm101's Avatar
Forgot one, sorry. Will there eventualy be a download?.
10/18/2014 11:08 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
Stratofortress8's Avatar
Yes it will be an island with all the three branches aswell as admistrative buildings and housing for familes and soliders/workers. I don't know if there will be a download because it all depends if I get permission from the people who iv'e been getting certian parts off.
