Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Minecraft Hunger Games Map [Completed]

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Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
I've been playing a little Hunger Games on various servers, but they all used the popular Survival Games map. A few reasons I'm not a particular fan of that map, are that 1) There isn't an actual cornucopia in the Survial Games map, and 2) There aren't supplies hidden around the arena in the Hunger Games book. I want to make this as similar to the book as I can. It has an adminium cylinder below the arena, so tributes can't see under it if they fall off the edge.One of the few things that I couldn't make be exactly like in the book was the starting zones. I tried having landmines buried beneath a pressure plate so that tributes would explode if they stepped off, but I had problems with the mines making the adjacent spot blow up too, and therefore hurt where another player would be. I currently have twenty-four starting areas, but I used to only have eight. There is a golden cornucopia in the center of the arena, where chests filled with various goodies can be found. Throughout building this, I've learned quite a bit about Voxel Sniper and Worldedit. I think that mountains that are made by entering a few commands and clicking a few times, are ugly and obviously man-made. I try to make my mountains, rivers, and other terrain features look as realistic as possible. There are forests, mountains, snowy hills, a volcano, desert, and a jungle in this map. Mobs can be spawned in various parts of the arena, from hidden spawners, natural darkness, or a Gamemaker using spawn eggs.

I know that many Hunger Games/Survival Games maps have chests hidden with various items to pick up. I chose to only give out supplies in the middle of the map, since I wanted it to be more like the actual Hunger Games. Let me know what you think about not having supplies scattered around, and whether you think it's a good thing to have.

v1.0 download:


v0.3 download:


v0.2 download:


v0.1 download:


Additional Notes

The map may be finished but it's not too late to make changes. Please comment and leave suggestions if you have any!
CreditMy friend, Thomasctobin, helped to make most of the desert biome.
Progress100% complete

5 Update Logs

v1.01 : by scottm99 12/05/2012 10:52:30 pmDec 5th, 2012

-Re-added map download for world v1.0 (I was having some Mediafire troubles)
*v1.0 and 1.1 maps are still the same as they were, and the link for v1.0 is now available.

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01/04/2013 7:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Did u pay for yours?
01/03/2013 8:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
do you have to have your own mediafire account to upload the maps you have?
01/03/2013 8:49 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Yes, but it's really easy to set up, as long as you have an email address.
01/04/2013 9:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thanks :)
01/04/2013 4:13 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
No problem.
09/05/2012 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
This is an awesome map just what I have been looking for thank you so much! Diamond for you :D
09/05/2012 7:51 pm
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
:D Please tell me if you have any suggestions for the map!
08/20/2012 5:21 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Dude. Nice map. Did you use worldpainter? I would love to help build. Let me know is you make the server or get someone else t make one. I am on Skype as "holidayonion" so message me.
08/26/2012 7:57 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
I think Worldpainter is a really neat tool after watching a video about it, but I actually used VoxelSniper and Worldedit. The map is already finished so I don't need any more help but thanks for the offer!
07/03/2012 10:31 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
I like how it turned out. Good job on detail.
