Minecraft Maps / Other

Minecraft Console Edition TU31 Tutorial World (All Editions)

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Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
*All credit goes to 4J Studios, the creator of this map.*
4J Studios

This is the ninth tutorial world from the Console Edition of Minecraft. It includes a tutorial area and a variety of real-world structures from Scotland throughout. Hidden beneath the surface, there are a few secrets in this world. Exploring the mushroom island in the Northern end of the world reveals a concealed portal leading to the eerie depths of The Nether. Additionally, this tutorial world continues to feature the popular music disc quest; there are 12 music discs hidden in various locations, so try to find them all! If you decide to venture out to the Northwestern end of the world, you may discover a nostalgic recreation of The Edinburgh Castle copied from the TU12 Tutorial World. This tutorial world was playable on Xbox 360 Edition TU31 - TU45, which equates to Java Edition 1.8.8.

📍 Spawn Point: 41, 65, 107 (Facing North)

🌱 Seed: 0 (Tutorial is an Artificially Created Amplified World, it Can't be Recreated with the Seed)

📅 Release Date: December 18th, 2015

📽️ TU31 Trailer

If you Enjoyed this map, feel free to support me on YouTube. A sub would be greatly appreciated! The Minecraft Architect
Progress100% complete

4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by theminecraftarchitect 04/25/2024 3:55:12 pmApr 25th, 2024

Updated images

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03/03/2024 4:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
This is the One I Remember playing with my older sister on the Ps3 Where did those times go
