Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[MINIGAME] Descent: Beneath Evil v2 [MP] [1.7.2]

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F3AR0N's Avatar F3AR0N
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer

A Minecraft Multiplayer Minigame for 3-5 Players

~Table of Content~

- What is Descent: Beneath Evil?
- Technics used
- How to play
-Playing the Overlord
-Playing as a Hero
- Screenshots

~What is Descent: Beneath Evil v2~

Descent: Beneath Evil is inspired by Descent: Journeys in the Dark, which is a popular boardgame.

As in the original Descent, ther are two factions: on the one hand side, we have the mighty and powerfull heros who are investigating an ernomous dungeon, full of treasure, evil creatures and hidden traps. On the other hand side, the Overlord, who rules his dungeon, adding new rooms to it, casting strong magic and activating his traps.He also has the Power to control the heros to weaken them during their journey BENEATH EVIL...

Descent: Beneath Evil v2 has a completly new dungeon, all new traps and many other small changes.

Also check out the older version of D:BE: www.planetminecraft.com/project/minigame-descent-beneath-evil-mp-162-ressource-packs/

~Technics used~

Descent: Beneath Evil uses commandblocks and their new scoreboard mechanic, to power the game.

Also we have added a global clock, using daylight sensors and commandblocks, for minimum lag and smallest data-transfer between server and client.

The map uses the new ressourcepack system to evolve the experience when playing. Thanks to that, you may now use any textures you want, just put the included ressourcepack in after your prefered texture-pack.

As of the new snapshots, this map takes adevntage of the new setblock command, which allows the overlord to change the whole footprint of the Dungeon.

In the 2nd Version of the map, heros can use the new skill system with 3 unique action-skills inspired by Borderlands 1+2 and additional passive skills instead of the old-school town-shop.

Another addition to the game is the final fight between the heros and the overlord, designed to be a singleplayer like bossfight with special abilities for the overlord, waves of mobs and an all new arena.

~How To Play~

You can play Descent: Beneath Evil with a minimum of two Heros and one Overlord. The Heros begin the game within the Overlords dungeon, while the Overlord is overwatching the whole dungeon from above.

In version 2 of D:BE the Overlord can customize the Dungeon way more then in the first version

The Heros now have to find the secret portal, to get to the Overlords Lair, where they have to fight the overlord to win the game. The overlord tries to stop them, either by killing them until they have no Conquest Points left or by stelling them enought time to let them fail in their mission.

Therefore he can use his threat, he constantly generates, to activate traps or take control over them.

The Heros can collect experience to buy skills in their skilltrees which they can access by activating one of the old Transportglyphes, spread all over the dungeon. Their are 3 skill-trees, each with its own action-skill and a hand full of passive skills that generally boost the heros powers.

~Playing the Overlord~

Playing the Overlord in Descent: Beneath Evil v2 is much more about tactics then in the first one.
Instead of blindly rushing into the heros, you have to figure out a way to delay the heros as much as possible, while trying to get them killed. Delaying the Heros from finding the Portal to the Overlords Lair is essential because your ablities in the last fight will get stroger the more time you get.

Although the overlord can only win the game by killing all heros until they have no Conquest Points left, the overlord must decide how much he is focussing on spawning minions during there search for the Portal, since the heros will get even stronger with each mob they kill.

Also the new ability to customize the dungeon at the beginning of the game ads much more depth to the tactics possible. The Overlord may wish to increase the way the Heros have to travel, or block of paths to treasure, increasing the heros amount of Conquest Points. Or he can decrease the amount of lives the heros get to a minimum by adding huge Piles of Loot to the dungeon that will increase the strength of the Heros in the endfight imensly.

All in all the overlord is much more challenged then in the first Descent: Beneath Evil, getting more options for tactics but also more possibilites to make false decisions.

~Playing as a hero~

While the overlords power has increased magnificently, also the heros have much more options.

The first thing a hero needs to thing about is choosing his class, witch defines his playstil through the whole game.
Although the skill trees for every class are pretty much the same every class has its preferred skill tree to increase its exsisting strenghts or make up for its weaknesses.

But since all classes are using the same skilltrees nothing is set in stone and nearly every combination of playstils is possible.

The dungeon includes a whole bunch of treasure chests including stronger armor, healing potions and scrolls of wisdom (which are used as experince token).

Very important to know is that Natural-Regeneration is per default set to false, so the only possibilitie to get health back is to use eigther a skill or one of the healing potions that can be found in the teasure chests.

In comparison to the last D: BE the heros have to be much more carefull, but will be greatly rewarded the further they progress, which makes the game more thrilling and fun.



~Other stuff~

If you want to support this project you can use this banner:

Additional Notes

For any questions/suggestions/bug reports visit www.youtube.com/FearonLP
Progress100% complete

20 Update Logs

Update #20 : by F3AR0N 10/29/2013 9:52:53 amOct 29th, 2013

-fixed some bugs with MC v1.7

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10/16/2013 9:36 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
SmiteMC_Realm's Avatar
I don't get the point of the game
10/16/2013 10:10 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Engineer
F3AR0N's Avatar
It's mainly a coop dungeon-crawler type of experience but also like dungeon keeper, depending on which site you are going to play (either overlord or heros). Since it is inspired by a boardgame, D:BE is ment to be played in a more or less strategic way.
10/15/2013 9:18 am
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
DragonhuntIII's Avatar
That sounds cool, when its finished i think ill throw it into a community im in and aks who wants to play this with me!
10/09/2013 6:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Dragoon13's Avatar
nice map
10/02/2013 6:41 am
Level 37 : Artisan Architect
kirizorp's Avatar
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