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Level 11 : Journeyman Miner
Map Made By: Minecraft Partypop

Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCJXPOdzI9l_5Q_-jv_05E7g

Please Subscribe for more maps

Modded SkyBlock Map

Rules and Challenges in the challenges portal at the back of the room with the portals.

Read all signs before beging

Better to play with friends.

you can have up to 21 players

go to the shop and see what you can get

if you want more modded maps please subscribe to my channel and comment on my latest video saying #MoreModdedMaps and ill will make more maps.

i have been working on this for almost a year.

if you record on this map please put link to my channel and download in your description of the video.

Do not re-upload my work on any other site to what i have put them on.
Progress100% complete

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