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kennylouis's Avatar kennylouis
Level 32 : Artisan Crafter
In this game,Steve has been killed,you have to figure out who did it,its a bit short.
Progress100% complete

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Clockwork Studio
04/14/2017 2:25 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Warrior
Clockwork Studio's Avatar
.... No Screenshots? No informations about the Objective of the Map?

You really should atleast add a description...
04/14/2017 2:30 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Crafter
kennylouis's Avatar
Sorry,the objective is to find out who killed steve,you will find 4 clues in the scene,then you go to the suspects room and figure out who it is.
04/13/2017 10:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
xiaotaozi's Avatar
i'm an Chinese minecraft player, i think this map is wonderful, i'd like to repost this map on a chinese minecraft forum(mcbbs.net), i will write your name and put this webpage on.and also, because of some web-pages are bloked in china,so i need to create a chinese downlaod link,can i?
04/14/2017 9:41 am
Level 32 : Artisan Crafter
kennylouis's Avatar
Yes you can do it,anything to make you happy,and thanks for saying my map is wonderful.
