Minecraft Maps / Educational

Muskingum University Campus

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Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator
Update/Non-update 2024-06-25: This map has halted progress due to other non-Minecraft projects taking priority. There's a possibility parts of this map will be made into another game someday, and if that goes as proposed, then I'm abandoning the Minecraft Map. Thank you all so much for the years of support! I will keep the uploads of this map alive for as long as PlanetMinecraft is around and I'll keep you all updated on the next chapter.

v1.8 - (MC 1.17) Major update. Introduction of the new End Dimension exhibit, featuring several maps based on historical images, master plans, and unused building designs! The current Master Plan is now accessible from the spawn point on the map. Bullock Health & Wellness Complex is finished and reflected on the present day map. Included in this release are spreadsheets detailing time spent with the last few minor updates as well as this major update. Bedrock Edition is indefinitely delayed due to teleports being lost in conversion.

v1.7.5 - Minor update with 30+ buildings added and terrain overhaul.

v1.7.4 - Minor update, changes to Sherman Field, scoreboard added, BHWC updated.

v1.7.3 - Minor update.

v1.7.2 - Minor update with additions on Harper Ave, W. High St, Physical Plant, North Athletic Turf field, and steps prepared for The End dimension overhaul in a future update.

v1.7.1 - (MC 1.17) Minor update that overhauls terrain on the northern portion of the map, with some buildings redone and a few additions.

v1.7 - (MC 1.16.5) Major update that aligns the terrain as a perfect rectangle that meshes with the superflat world, connecting the historic map and aligning it with the present day map all in the Overworld, and numerous buildings completely redone.

v1.6 - (MC 1.16.1) Major update that has the entire north portion of the map resized to fit the real life scale, and to fit the site of the upcoming Health and Wellness Complex. Thomas Hall and Boyd Science Center have been angled to reflect their real life versions, with separate interiors accessible by teleportation. The End dimension interior world has been removed. Work started on Meadowood Subdivison and Lincoln Place Addition. All interiors are little different from previous versions due to the pandemic, except for Johnson Hall and the Library, both of which are as complete as they'll get until a major source is revealed.

v1.5 - (MC 1.16.1) Major update that now includes a majority of New Concord, starting with houses on Montgomery Blvd, to including parts of Main St. Lots of rescaling and adjustments have been done to match the real campus. All non-existent structures are now part of the "Past and Future" Exhibit located in The End dimension, which may easily be accessed from the start of the map at any time. Caldwell Hall, Glenn Gym, and Boyd Science Center are still unfinished due to COVID-19, so hopefully the new landscape more than makes up for it. Next update will include more neighborhoods.

v1.4 - Minor update including complete overhaul of Health and Wellness Complex according to new renderings released in January 2020. Villagers added to Quad, with animals and plants added throughout the map. Future updates will include new tennis courts, finished Caldwell Hall, and a redone Hollow Trail with lots of life spread throughout the map.

v1.3 - Updated a majority of the game's landscape, no holes left in buildings to fall through. All are mostly easy to walk through, with a few exceptions currently being worked on.

v1.2 - Located in Ohio, this small liberal arts college is home to a variety of beautiful architecture. Starting initially as a survival project for a few historic buildings, this grew into a full-scale creative project that not only matches a beautiful campus to scale, but provides a great history lesson with each building.

This map is 85% finished, although this is up for download for anyone who wants to explore a unique map. A majority of the buildings are fully finished with detailed interiors, as well as many Easter Eggs that campus members would find amusing.

During a 24-hour gaming charity event in 2018, the map was featured for all students to play, although it wasn't very well known at the time. While I have since graduated, the map and the campus hold dear to my heart and is now available to the public.
Progress100% complete

11 Update Logs

v1.8 : by IzzyRochester 09/08/2022 6:44:56 pmSep 8th, 2022

Major update:

- The End Exhibit has been heavily modified, now featuring several dioramas of campus through original master plans, historical images, and more! This allows for more dioramas to be added in future updates
- West Hill completely overhauled to reflect the new parking lot and road behind Thomas Hall
- Bullock Health & Wellness Complex is complete. Preview map teleport has been relocated to campus entrance
- Minor updates to Stadium Drive paths
- Thomas Hall and Boyd Science Center teleports corrected.

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11/08/2021 10:23 am
Level 35 : Artisan Caveman
Well done, impressive work. DFS.
10/17/2021 2:25 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Professor
i want to ask wich programms or mode have you used to do the first 3 pictures , im searching a good world viewer for pictures like this for my city and the quality look good
10/18/2021 10:12 am
Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator
Hey HeliopolisCity, I used Chunky for the first two, using the North-east Camera preset. This program is my favorite for rendering Minecraft map aerials, though it is sensitive and resource-intensive at least in my experience. If you use it, check out some tutorials on it and try to do the renderings when you're not using the computer.

For the third photo, I used MCA Selector. This program doesn't render images, but it does give a good overhead view as it's intended for deleting chunks. I used it on this version of the map because a ton of unnecessary chunks were making the save too big, and liked the view so much I captured both the present-day and historic map views, lining them up next to each other. I simply used the Print Screen key and pasted it into PaintDotNet, and removed the unnecessary pixels. You can also achieve this with snipping tool.

Feel free to reach out if you have more questions!
10/18/2021 10:41 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Professor
how many time to render with chunky like the two first pictures ? your map look huge maybe PC need a lot of RAM me i have 8 GB of RAM , i have an a map of a city 7000x 4000 blocks area
10/18/2021 11:17 am
Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator
When I do these two, I run it in 1080p (1920x1080) for the resolution, and it can take between 90-120 minutes on my machine. I have 32GB of RAM, and I allocate Chunky to the max it can support which is 16GB. Unfortunately, Chunky doesn't utilize CUDA Cores and it runs the same with my RTX 3090 as it did with the 1060. With 8GB of RAM, you'll probably want to have Chunky utilize anywhere between 6-8GB of RAM when you work with the launcher to set that, and you'll definitely want to not use the PC while rendering it.

My map's about 1573x1471 blocks, and if it takes the worst case scenario of running for 2 hours on 16 GB of RAM, then for you it could take upwards of 8-11 hours, possibly even more, on 8 GB of RAM.
10/18/2021 12:38 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Professor
thanks a lot , with rendering is very important the Ram how i understund , is possible in the future i upgrade my pc to 32 GB of RAM
10/18/2021 1:55 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Procrastinator
I look forward to hearing about your RAM upgrade! I can also help out in determining compatibility on your computer's hardware if you're unsure of the direction to go. I'm also open to help with Chunky. I'll send you a PM momentarily.
03/18/2019 10:48 pm
Level 83 : Elite Architect
Very nice!
