Minecraft Maps / Complex

Nation of Calvada - A Minecraft Nation & City Project

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Level 33 : Artisan System Theorist
Welcome to Calvada

Nation of Calvada is a Minecraft nation passion project that began in 2013. The project includes cities, settlements, and lore scattered across the map. Although Calvada is nearly a 1:1 scale project, every part of the map is designed with 'wideness of space' in mind, and interiors are standard in all builds.

Follow news and build showcases from Calvada on Instagram. Links in Linktree.

Development History

Calvada's history of development includes three versions. The original 2013 map, Las Vegia, was deleted in 2015. Mojave Region was an attempt in 2017 to rebuild the previous original map, and the current map which began in 2020 as a remaster project of both previous versions built on the same world seed as in 2013. Calvada has undergone extensive reconstruction of several buildings from the two versions, as well as improved building quality and city planning.

Calvada's objectives are; to create a detailed Minecraft map, to produce a Minecraft map with multiple cities and towns, and to make each part of the Minecraft map unique.

I personally emphasize the importance of making this project inclusive. Hence, I made this Minecraft project available for everyone to view and be inspired by.

Happy adventuring and have a great day in Calvada!

Optional Texture Pack

Wall decorations were heavily used on this project. However, debug walls has missing textures in vanilla. Fortunately, there's a texture pack made by 1Krista that fixes it and I highly recommend you download the texture pack before visiting Calvada.

Krista's Better Walls

Check out this other amazing Minecraft project!

-Friends of Calvada-

Nation of Calvada - A Minecraft Nation & City Project Minecraft Map

Project Zearth
by Xoyjaz
Progress5% complete

1 Update Logs

1.0.6r1 Update : by Wormwal 04/12/2024 10:09:36 amApr 12th, 2024

In this update, I've made significant progress on the city of Grandia, and the entire outer terrain of Calvada has been completely overhauled. I've even reconstructed several builds in Grandia City from previous versions. Lastly, as you are aware, Nation of Calvada is now available exclusively on Java and no longer developed for Bedrock.

I sincerely hope that this new update will give you an even better experience than before and I hope the next update will inspire you more. See you in the next update.

  • Converted the project to a Minecraft: Java Edition world format.
  • Overhauled the terrain.
  • Slightly revamped the spawn area.
  • Added all provinces of Calvada in the spawn area together with their description in books.
  • Changed TP location for Kalipula Province in spawn area.
  • Added the new Borough of Hexford in Grandia City (located west of the Kalipula Estuary).
  • Added 6 buildings in New-East Borough, Grandia City.
  • Added 8 buildings in the Borough of Lowton in Grandia City
  • National Highway is now renamed to the National Expressway. (only road signs in Grandia City referencing the infrastructure were changed, other areas with the road sign will be changed in later updates)
  • Constructed a new interchange on the National Expressway in the Borough of Lowton, Grandia City.
  • Constructed a city hall in Old Downtown, Grandia City.
  • Completed construction on the Whitton Bridge in Old Downtown, Grandia City.
  • Constructed an abandoned inland port in Old Downtown, Grandia City.
  • Constructed a container terminal in the Borough of Hexford, Grandia City.
  • Removed broken signs and command blocks around the world map (will be fixed in later updates).
  • Added the new TP elevator system (only available in several buildings in Grandia City)
  • Created new 2x2 size empty elevator design. (only available in several buildings in Grandia City)
  • Several roads in Grandia City now has their own names.
  • Added 5 shops in the Grandia Mall.
  • Improved the farm in the town of Las Nipton.
  • Rewritten the main lore.
  • Added more lore and references.
Happy adventuring and have a great day in Calvada!

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11/09/2024 8:38 am
Level 1 : New Miner
When will 1.0.6r1 release
Luminous Ancient King
10/06/2024 3:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Excuse me but do you know where I can get the bedrock version of this map?
10/08/2024 7:50 pm
Level 33 : Artisan System Theorist
Sorry for the late reply. There's no Bedrock version for the latest update. Time constraints limit what I can do to manually convert this map to Bedrock. Although I've tried Chunker, which is an online map converter. The end result is the Bedrock version being partially complete. Redstone and commands on Java and Bedrock are not the same, hence they break after the conversion.

If you would like to take a shot at getting a bedrock version of the map, you could try Chunker. Here's the link: https://chunker.app/

But I couldn't guarantee much success. again, sorry for the late reply.
06/26/2024 6:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Is the map for bedrock or Java?

If java then please could you upload a bedrock version!
10/06/2024 9:48 am
She/They • Level 1 : New Explorer
04/17/2024 7:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
what are the coordinates?
04/12/2024 6:30 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
04/12/2024 4:19 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
no way I just spent like a few hours checking out this map 😅

In all seriousness, this is one of my favourite minecraft maps. It was definently worth a year waiting for the new update, very inspiring and amazing that you've been doing this for years! I love what you're doing, keep up the good work, and know that i'll be here for any more updates because i can't get enough of the Nation Of Calvada for real!
04/13/2024 9:46 am
Level 33 : Artisan System Theorist
Thanks for your comment! I appreciate that you love the new update. My work is far from complete and there are still much to be done. ♥️
chuck chuck
04/18/2023 10:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Thats very cool plz do it in java
