Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Nation of Novik - Survival Map

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Stan103's Avatar Stan103
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Nation of Novik

-4 Year old Survival world/map.

-Playable in either Survival/Creative mode.

-LOTS of builds, old and new, good and bad.

This is a really old survival map I've been playing on for ages and even built a city name Carne. Now by popular demand, I'm putting not only the city out, but the world I played through to make it. Featuring my builds ranging from beginner to my "advanced" stage, where I hope you'll all agree I am today. Along with tons of other builds, villages, scenery, and random things that I though looked nice and fit in. The pictures included alone only show some of the "main" locations in the map, so you'll have to hunt down all the little easter eggs and little treats I've hidden throughout the world. For starters, try finding the church in Old Carne. Anyways, I mean it when there's lots of content in this map to keep one occupied, that said, I'm not sure if I'll ever have another world as big as this one so enjoy.

- Message me on my Planetminecraft account if you have issues and I can troubleshoot or sent the world file directly to you via e-mail or by whatever works.

If there's a demand for more, I'll try another big world project, yet for now. I'll just update this one every once in a while when I make some big builds/changes. Otherwise as usual, I hope you enjoy the build and let me know what you might want to see.
Progress100% complete

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12/12/2019 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
OrangenSofa's Avatar
Can you send me the map thanks in advance! My e-mail tzorale33@gmail.com :))
11/30/2019 11:47 am
Level 1 : New Miner
A mí tampoco me funciona. Podrías enviármelo al correo? Robertoforves99@gmail.com
11/26/2019 8:25 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
Stan103's Avatar
Planet Minecraft doesn’t seem to want to download my file properly so I used Dropbox, but if that’s doesn’t work or you don’t want to use Dropbox. Then message me and send a request & email I can send the map to and I’ll get to you as quickly as possible!
12/10/2019 11:25 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Misuu's Avatar
Salut ! J'arrive pas non plus à télécharger la map, pourrais-tu me l'envoyer par email ? Le voici : alexia.lecomte31@gmail.com

Merci d'avance ! ^^
11/29/2019 5:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AyChIEm's Avatar
i was wondering if you can send this map to me since the dropbox link is not working my G-mail is : AyChiEm@gmail.com Thank you in advanced
