Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

State Of Angelorica | A Massive Map Project

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Level 36 : Artisan Dragon Loremaster
Formerly Known As New Angenila | A City Project
I Decided To Rename The Map Because I Want The Map Not To Just Be A City, But A State.
It Made More Sense To Make This A State, As I Have So Much Build Ideas That Will Just Look Odd In A City Setting.
Planned Areas Will Be A Country Side, A New City Inspired By Las Vegas (Hopefully a Fresh Start To A New City Without Redoing Everything), And Much More.

As for the city and state name, for anyone wondering
New : "New"york (Took it as a part of the name as my plan is to make it an island with rivers surrounding it
Ange : Los "Ange"les (The Mountain range at the corner of the city and Canal is inspired from there)
Nila : Ma"nila" (My original inspiration, the capital of my country, the oceanside part of the map is inspired from there)
Although these are the only mentioned countries, there are builds that take inspiration off some other countries (like the Elizabeth Tower)
Angelorica: Inspired By California.

•So a little backstory
Back in 2020, I discovered the world of minecraft java mods and i had the idea to create a world that unify all my builds together.
Map Created In August 5, 2021, But Build Was Started By September 2021. First Records Were at November 2021.

•In the present, the build will not have a complete state as i plan to evolve it however i like it, but as to my original plan for it, id say its at 70% finished. I still have so many structures to build (the list goes on forever). Buildings are undetailed (atleast for now, im planning on detailing after i finish most of the city).
The Actual Plan Now Its At 30% (State Build).

•Do Note That This Map Has Alot Of Flaws, But Most Of Them Are Old As I Learned More About Buildings Cities In Minecraft, I Am No Architect Or Engineer, I Build What Makes Sense (As Much As Possible) And Build Them On How I View Cities Or Man Made Structures In Real Life. Also Playing With 8 Render Distance Made Me View Things A Little Small When I Started LOL.

*MAP VISUAL* Current Estimated Map Size In Blocks : 8000 x 8000 (X,Z) (Note That This Estimated Map Size Is Upto New Angenila's Borders ONLY, I Plan To Expand It Beyond Just The City)

State Of Angelorica | A Massive Map Project Minecraft Map
State Of Angelorica | A Massive Map Project Minecraft Map
State Of Angelorica | A Massive Map Project Minecraft Map

Shader Used:
ChocapicV7.09 Toaster Edition (Java)
Bliss Shader 2.02 (Also Chocapic) (Java)
Random Shader Pack (Mcpe/Bedrock Used In Video)

NOTE: SOME AREAS HAVE SCHEMATICS OR BUILDS FROM PLANET MINECRAFT (This was done to know what I want to do with an area and to speed up the build) Rest assured that I will try my best to credit those schematics or maps taken. In the future I will use some schematics here and there but focus will be on own built buildings (Which is what im doing right now, all buildings on revamped areas are made by me and are not detailed) I realized this because just randomly pasting someone's build ruins the overall identity of the map and defeats the purpose of my vision. Thats all for now and have a good day!

These Builds Include:
Progress70% complete

16 Update Logs

Update #16 : by Pesepeast 12/28/2024 8:18:22 amDec 28th, 2024

Formerly Known As New Angenila | A City Project
I Decided To Rename The Map Because I Want The Map Not To Just Be A City, But A State.
It Made More Sense To Make This A State, As I Have So Much Build Ideas That Will Just Look Odd In A City Setting.
Planned Areas Will Be A Country Side, A New City Inspired By Las Vegas (Hopefully a Fresh Start To A New City Without Redoing Everything), And Much More.

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07/11/2024 1:27 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect Dog
very fun city map ! ;D

decided to use a little car mod and it was very enjoyable to drive through. I did get a little agitated on the fact that the highway system only has one exit; however, it is not that big of a deal

hope this keeps receiving updates ;)
07/11/2024 9:58 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon Loremaster
Thank You For The Feedback, I Do Also Drive Around The City :). And Do you mean the main highway? And Yes, the map will be updated, I added an exit for that highway on the other side although that is from an updated version of the map, maybe i;ll release it next month, again Thank You!
07/15/2024 1:28 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect Dog
no problem. what i mean is the main highway that runs straight across the map (indicated by the red line)
i was driving on it because i thought it would lead to other places. It did, but i was too lazy to get out of the vehicle haha

i will be awaiting the update ;) take your time
07/15/2024 11:43 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon Loremaster
Thanks For The Reply! Yes, that is the main highway, it is updated on the latest version of the map with exits on the other side.
Btw, may i ask what program/website you used to render the map? I've been using chunky but sometimes its servers are down and due to the big size of the map, uploading takes a long time. Thanks!
07/16/2024 12:16 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect Dog
oh for the map I just use xaero's world map/minimap, along with the essential mod to draw the red line.
I use the fabric loader for 1.20.1, by the way
07/17/2024 3:25 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon Loremaster
07/04/2024 11:58 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Sailor
10/12/2023 10:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
i cant dowload it lol im stupid and retarded bitch i wanna die i want the map too pls lemme dowload it. or maybe im just stoopid
10/25/2023 2:47 am
Level 36 : Artisan Dragon Loremaster
Um sorry, What? Anyways, I will release the map if I feel like its in a state that Im satisfied, right now the map is undergoing major revamps on the old areas as they look goofy asf, and alot of areas in the map are still empty.
