Minecraft Maps / Complex

New Port Notch

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ThatDutchLad's Avatar ThatDutchLad
Level 35 : Artisan Architect

Welcome to New Port Notch - a city of opportunity, hope and freedom. The City That Never Rests lies at the Atlantic coast in the Manneh Bay. The city was founded in 1654 as a Swedish colony, and the original fort Jeb on Jeb Island has been preserved to this day. Ny Hamn Notch was sold to the British in 1725, and the name was anglicised to New Port Notch. The city became the seat of government for the newly created colony of New Port Notch. The State declared independence together with the rest of the 13 colonies in 1776. Due to its strategic location on the Eastern Seaboard, the city became an important harbor in the Union. Massive waves of immigrants entered the New World through the city. The moment they were welcomed by the Statue of Creativity on their way to Ez island was a turning point in their lives. Today, the city is an important hub in the entire world, serving as the center of international politics, finance, the arts, education, and much more.

New Port Notch mostly spans the two main islands of Perrson Isl. and Bergenlyn Isl, with various smaller islands located along the coast, and the city extends well into the mainland. Visitors should check out the various highlights throughout the city, including:

-The Statue of Creativity

-The NPN Needle

-The Creative State building

-Mines Sq.

-The World Trade Center

-The United Servers

-Blockefeller Center

-The historic ft. Jeb


Enjoy your stay in this one-of-a-kind city!


The City of New Port Notch is a two man project by the brothers LG193 and ThatDutchLad. It is based on New York City, but features architectural highlights and famous landmarks from all around the world. The building styles mainly range from Art-Deco to postmodernism. It is our goal to make a fully functional Minecraft city, including residential areas, financial centers, governmental buildings, infrastructural works and public transportation. Because of this, EVERY BUILDING IN THIS MAP IS DECORATED ON THE INSIDE. We are on a quest to make Minecraft's most detailed city.

As our city is located on a privately operated hamachi server, we will not release a server save as often, however we do love to share our progress with you. You are free to download and play on our map, and if you decide to reuse it, please give credit. Thanks for downloading our map, and have fun exploring!

You can follow the progress of our town on our own subreddit.


-How many people have worked on this city?

Just the two of us, LG193 and ThatDutchLad.

-Can I help you build this city?

No, we like to keep it this way. It is much nicer to discuss our build progress in person.

-Can I visit the server?

-Again, no you cannot. It is a small hamachi server, we wouldn't be able to handle the influx of everyone. Plus, we only turn it on when we want to work on it, so it would have a very bad uptime.

-Is a texture pack required to play?

We strongly advice you to use our texture pack, which is included in our download link.

-Can I pitch you ideas for a new building?

Sure, send us a message here on PMC or on our Reddit accounts (/u/ThatDutchlad ; /u/LG193). We cannot give any guarantee we will include it though.


Do you operate a server? Right now, we are working on the United Servers, a place like the United Nations were diplomats can discuss world events. We need to fill up our seats. If you like your server to be featured in the United Servers, please do not hesitate to send a message.


What is coming in the next release of New Port Notch?

-The beginnings of the Blox, an industrial/residential area inspired by the Bronx.

-Expansion in Ocean Front with the Bank of NPN (Bank of China, HK) and the NPN Financial Center (2 IFC, HK).

-King Carl University, inspired by NY's Columbia University.

-Creative Island and Ez Island

And much more!
Progress25% complete

2 Update Logs

0.2.1 : by ThatDutchLad 05/22/2013 4:59:29 pmMay 22nd, 2013

0.2.1 has arrived!

Not much change here, except for more landscaping, the extension of the sea, and the addition of the Statue of Creativity and the outlines of Ez Island.

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11/27/2016 9:23 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Explorer
TeamKobus2's Avatar
?where can i find the minecraft equivalent of the empire state building and ground zero?
11/02/2015 5:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Unicorn__Farts's Avatar
Can you please make this a ZIP file? I would love to plat but cannot with RARs.
06/09/2014 12:09 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
Elysa_Caxton's Avatar
Nice !!
06/08/2014 8:42 am
Level 1 : New Miner
boxer209's Avatar
How about abandoned buildings?
01/12/2014 2:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Dragether's Avatar
The tower looks like the Las Vegas Stratosphere.
12/06/2013 11:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
liamthebear's Avatar
I am blown away!
10/27/2013 2:11 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
RedDragon2427's Avatar
Make a .Zip file please!
05/26/2013 7:54 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Skinner
angelo909's Avatar
i cant download .rar files can you put a .Zip file please
05/22/2013 6:38 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
HDPixel's Avatar
Reminds Me of New York Looks hard to build and very nice!
01/12/2013 12:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Totherpanic4's Avatar
hmm,This city reminds me of another one
