This Map is an entry in the completed Nether Empire Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Nether Structure

✶Nrav Empire✶

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Enzo3BPE's Avatar Enzo3BPE
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Nrav Empire features a futuristic/fantasy look on the nether. Nrav uses mostly the train system that runs around the whole empire. There are 5 sections to Nrav:

  • The Poor Housing-

The Poor housing features many tightly compacted houses that fit together nicely. Most of the people in Nrav can't be too poor because the poor houses do have obvious detail in them. They are a very friendly community, and you can find most of it's people in the Shopping/Town Centre district, where they buy, sell, and be social.

  • The Shopping/Town Centre-

The shopping district features a variety of shops that people use to earn money. The rich citizens of Nrav normally dominate the stocks, but the poor people tend to make a lot of money. Everyone in the shopping district always makes a profit, either with a buy or a sell. There are different styles of shops such as small tents to large buildings. The Town Centre is where all the people can meet to have a fun night at the Nrav pub, where they may watch the Nrav sports teams compete in the OverWorld League. You can also listen to the High Council meetings in this area. The Centre is most active around noon.

  • The Rich Housing-

This is where the high class, money making, super esteemed people live. They have a more modern side on houses, and they can actually get leaves, plants, and water in their area. Very few people make it here, in fact: there are only three houses. To be considered rich, you should probably have been a previous member of the High Council. Most of the people who are wealthy, but weren't a member live near Town Centre. This is the smallest, and hardest to make, because I completely built it to live with the land. I made the train go in the mountain, so the houses had to be hanging off of it, hence the modern design was thought up.

  • The High Council-

These people make all of the decisions for the land. There are 4 High Council members. There are one council member for thePoor Housing, theRich Housing,Town Centre/Shopping, and Transportation. They go around often and decide what needs to be fixed around the Empire. They have 4 relative stands in the middle of the empire on a floating island called the Spire. The Spire is only in use when the High Council holds their monthly meetings. On the Spire is also the command blocks that turn it to day time, make fire not spread, make you keep your inventory, and stop the daylight cycle.

  • The Mining District
The mining district is Nrav's source of money. Here we mine basic needs for the town, such as cobblestone and glowstone. We can either use these in Nrav, or ship them out to make money. There are a fewrickety bridges and some dangerous peaks, but there is a nice railway system to ship out your findings. So clock in today, and get your weekly pay of three Diamonds at the end of the week.

That is the Nrav Empire!

Additional Notes

Comment, Diamond, Favorite, Subscribe, and Check Out My Other Projects.

*I posted a new download link with the first two Rich Housing houses. Enjoy!*

  • *I added a new link with a Mining District*
  • *Added a Mining District*
CreditMCedit and the Mithrintia Prepared Map
Progress55% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Enzo3BPE 08/23/2013 2:39:58 pmAug 23rd, 2013

Added a new District:

  • Mining District

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09/17/2013 6:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Necromancer
MusaTheLegend's Avatar
You should really advertise this and stuff.
08/23/2013 2:41 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Enzo3BPE's Avatar
I added a new district!
Read the description for more details.
  • Mining District
08/21/2013 8:58 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
VoxhallRB's Avatar
You should add caves with nether creatures, and explode the caves using TNT.
08/21/2013 8:57 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
VoxhallRB's Avatar
How about make all the rails power rails to make it "Nethery" and It will look really coll when you ride quick.
08/21/2013 11:09 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Enzo3BPE's Avatar
No. It's better to have a cinematic sort of view around the place. Thanks for your suggestion though!
08/20/2013 6:58 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
Mobslayer25's Avatar
You need more power rails on your railroad I found the ride really slow and I stopped a few times. :)
08/20/2013 7:12 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Enzo3BPE's Avatar
Alright, I'll work on that, but try hitting w when you need to move, it works
08/20/2013 9:44 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
Mobslayer25's Avatar
Oh, I didn't know that, But its probably better to just have power rails do the work
08/19/2013 10:12 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Enzo3BPE's Avatar
*I posted a new download link with the first two Rich Housing houses. Enjoy!*
08/19/2013 10:51 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
Mobslayer25's Avatar
Post pics of them plz
