Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

One Chunk Simple Floating Base

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Level 52 : Grandmaster Architect
With the Aquatic update coming I felt the need to create a simple raft style base for sea fairing exploration.

Is a .nbt file, not a map.

So here it is, the Floatbase! 9 double chests, two single chests, one bead, four furnaces, one crafting table, two brewing stands, a wall clock, one bead, a jukebox, minor decorations, four armor stands, and an enclosed dock.

Love the sea, love air, don't like excessive room? well here is a sweet little build for you, the floatbase is your escape from the hazards of land.
Progress100% complete

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02/06/2019 1:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
You used NBT editing to create this? If so.

Is it possible to use NBT editing to spawn monoliths https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CjW4pPwtaQ
in worlds generated with versions of Minecraft that no longer have
custom world settings? If so what settings do I modify to affect only
this change?
