Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

The Pack.png World (Original)!

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AidanCorgi's Avatar AidanCorgi
Level 24 : Expert Miner
Welcome to the exact world of Pack.png
This is Pack.png loaded up into Minecraft 1.7.3 beta all the way to 1.16 You will see pack.png in all of its glory. I take zero credit for finding this I'm just making it easier for those who don't want to go through the process. If you want to replicate the exact photo instructions. I did not write to them, it's a paste bin wrote by TOMLACK. Click on the name to go to it.

To install unzip the file. Click Windows+R and then type in AppData then go from appdata>roaming>.minecraft>saves drop the unzipped file in here.

CreditSalC1 and a lot of other people
Progress100% complete

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11/25/2020 9:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
builderboy999's Avatar
It did not work for me
