Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Panda Statue

  • 10,432 views, 6 today
  • 1,787 downloads, 4 today
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Level 49 : Master Miner
Hey guys.

I started this 'series' in my creative world where I make different animals and put them on a pedestal. This is my first, therefor the 1 on the sides of the pedestal.
For this statue I thought a panda woudnt be to hard.
So I made it.

In the world download you can find:
- The pedestal with the panda,
- The panda on its own.
- My history of building the panda.

Hope you like it!

And as always, if you have any questions or suggestions. Feel free to contact me via private.
That way I wont forget.
Progress100% complete

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