Minecraft Maps / Complex

Phoenix (Greek Fantasy Map) 15Kx15K Map

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Level 23 : Expert Architect
Project Phoenix...

Project Phoenix has been a project I've been working on since April 02, 2020.

It will be a massive Greek inspired city, with massive builds on a 15kx15k map.
This is not staying true to Greek, and will be a mashup of my own style, Greek, Roman, Imperialistic, etc. But the loose concept of it is Greek.


  Thousands of builds and details, with days or weeks of exploration possibilities.
Later, a modded version of this map will be released. Complete with new blocks, quests, mobs, bosses, etc.

3d preview map coming soon!

As I make build progress, I will update the 3d map, so you can all get a taste for the map before release.

A note from

  While only a 15by15k, the map will feel like a 20x20k, as the level of detail going into every single chunk of the world, is something that has been unseen on PlanetMinecraft. Every single chunk of the map will be hand detailed by me. Be it placing a dead tree knocked over by a boulder, or a small grave in the middle of the woods.
  I pride myself on how extreme my level of detail is when it comes to building things like dioramas, Sims4 houses, Rimworld builds, Minecraft. And this map will be no different. Every house will be furnished, every ruin will have a story to be pieced together, and every block will have a reason for existing. I want players to be able to explore this world, and for every block, build, area, to be able to tell a story to the player.

Want to support?-

  I am the only person working on this project, and am currently in college. If you would like to help support this or me, here's a few options


Will be available for download once finished.

Completion ETA Late 2022?
Progress5% complete

18 Update Logs

Update #18 : by CosmicBuilds 11/21/2020 3:52:08 pmNov 21st, 2020

City entrance is being planned and laid out.
Harbor planning has begun
City main road design in progress.

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11/17/2020 4:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
how do i download the map
11/17/2020 5:30 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
There is no download yet, as the map is still in it's very beginning phases. Come half way completion, donators will get early access. But once the map is done, then I will release it.
10/03/2020 4:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Baller alert
09/13/2020 7:56 pm
Level 83 : Elite Architect
Oooh, neat!
09/04/2020 9:35 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
I think that it's cool that you are making it in Vanilla now.
08/17/2020 6:49 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
i cant downlaod firakjdfosf
08/17/2020 12:10 am
Level 6 : Apprentice System
Greek Art is back again, and CosmicBuilds is the person who will bring it back to Minecraft, dear players :)
08/16/2020 11:23 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
pls add a download button pls.
08/17/2020 12:15 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Early access will be available to patrons in October, and full release will hopefully come around December.
07/28/2020 7:08 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
The start of this build, is by far, the greatest thing I've seen in the entirety of PMC, I have always been in love with Greek mythology, and giant Minecraft creations, and to see the two of them come together is like a dream coming true. The magnitude of this build is truly eye opening, the attention to detail is just stupendous, I have nothing but high praise, and can't wait to see it finished so I can download it.

P.S. Idk how I could do it, but if some how I could help you out with this, I would truly love it, obviously if you don't want me to I understand completely.
