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TheTripping Kangaro0's Avatar TheTripping Kangaro0
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
Hey Guys!

Once upon a sunny little day, there was The Island. It was mostly used for trading goods in the 1600's. It was then abandoned in 1693, the wheat on this island never died. One day a sailboat came swiftly here, carrying something of great value... 3 lives held captive on this boat, with the hand and feet tied down, their mouthes taped shut. They were taken to be abandoned like the island. As they neared the shore, the 3 people were thrown into a small boat to be taken closer. When they got to the shore they were left to die, never to be seen again. Exactly 1 day later, they managed to get off their bounds and run to thr hightest point. They saw nothing but open ocean, their spirits sank. They thought they would never leave again. So they made a plan, to make fire, food, shelter, clothes and a boat. So they got to work, it took them a while to get the huge pines off the top of the cliff but they did it. As night fell, they got to their little hut and said they're prayers, and then slept. When morning came, one of their crew was gone, his footprints led right to the ocean. And he was never seen again. They thought about giving up, but never did. As the 2nd month neared, the boat was finished, they then said goodbye to the island and left. But what they didnt know, was that their friend was still there, calling for them...

(To be continued)

This is
my first ever really... Island! It took around 1 hour to make, mostly
really only perfecting the cliff. But anyway, this map has a unique
feaure. It has wheat splopes, this was more of a test for a upcoming
surprise map... I hope you guys like this island as much as I do. It was
based of a island off the coast of Japan, not really a accurate verison
of the island though
CreditLentebrisje for his awesome trees
Progress100% complete

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09/05/2014 6:38 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Architect
Rosto's Avatar
I really want a download to this island
07/03/2014 8:42 pm
Level 49 : Master Wolf Whisperer
Drayman's Avatar
Really nice trippy, btw you mean wheat slopes correct?
TheTripping Kangaro0
07/03/2014 8:52 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheTripping Kangaro0's Avatar
Thank you!  And yea
06/27/2014 5:04 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Bunny
LeafySeaRabbit's Avatar
Noice Tripping :>
TheTripping Kangaro0
07/03/2014 8:52 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheTripping Kangaro0's Avatar
Noice comment :>
Mele Keshpalin
06/26/2014 8:36 pm
Level 44 : Master Explorer
Mele Keshpalin's Avatar
This looks so much like my first island map! lol Good job sir!
TheTripping Kangaro0
07/03/2014 8:51 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheTripping Kangaro0's Avatar
06/25/2014 11:53 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Architect
NinamanOfficial's Avatar
Trip trip trip :D
TheTripping Kangaro0
06/26/2014 9:50 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Mountaineer
TheTripping Kangaro0's Avatar
Nina nina nina :D
06/25/2014 4:50 pm
Level 73 : Legendary Terraformer
Darastlix's Avatar
Wheat slopes... Something familiar :D
Very elegant and well-planned island btw :)
